chapter 5

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Jack and Shar left the coffee shop, and with serious thoughts running through their minds, they drove a few miles out of town to their small farm. The people of their town did not seem ready for an emergency if the run on the store was any indication. They considered themselves preppers, part of a group of people who prepare for any number of disasters. They had a windmill, solar panels and an extensive collection of supplies stored wherever there was space in their home. Under beds, in closets and spare bedrooms, and the biggest one of all, the basement. They had joked about getting a grocery cart to push down the aisles of their "store".

Even though they had a very large water supply on hand, they put the bath tub bladder in the tub and attached the fill hose to it. They had bought it on line, and it was for times when you might lose power. It would hold many gallons of potable water, adding to their peace of mind. 

Jack went to tend to their cow, his back still straight at sixty-nine years old.  At seventy-one,  Shar's silver white hair blew in the breeze and sun as she walked around the homemade chicken coop. She threw scraps to the chickens, and some corn, thinking that, whatever happens, she felt sure that they would  survive comfortably. 

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