Chapter 3

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Elizabeth slowly wake up. She stretch a little and try to get up but then got stopped by a weight on her chest.
She looks down and see a still sleeping Michael, pacifiers in his mouth and a hand close around Elizabeth's pj's shirt.
She smiles, silently cooing.
"Wake up honey" she cooed to him.

Michael stirred and slowly wake up, at the sight of Elizabeth's face he starts smiling and quickly put his thumb in his mouth.
"But good morning sleepyhead" Elizabeth's said. She receive a smile by her young man. By now, using a baby voice talking to Michael was almost normal.
Because in her eyes he was not a man, but a toddler.
Why was she like that? Baby Michael was just adorable.
She walk to the bathroom and quickly change Michael and made their way downstairs to eat breakfast.
She enters the dining room, where breakfast was already settled.
Elizabeth's sit on a chair with the other on her lap.
"Here little one, you need to eat to be strong!" She exclaimed, putting a spoon full of yoghurt in his mouth. When Michael was 'normal' he would get annoyed by his friend's constant reminder to eat something. She would go all day long saying that he needs to eat, that he's too thin and that he's gonna be too weak if he doesn't eat. Now, in this state, Elisabeth can make him eat everything she wants.
"Aw, Mrs Taylor, he gurgled up" Lucy, one of the maids, tells, rushing to wipe Michael's cheek.
Liz just giggles and put in her mouth a spoon of cereals, passing a hand through her curly hair.

After breakfast they move to the living room.
Sat on pillows and blankets was Michael, playing with plushies, rattles and other toys that the maids brought to him.
"Yeah, it's incredible... The doctor says it's a tactic to get over traumas... You know he didn't have a real childhood, so here I am, trying to recreate a childhood for him." She was happily chatting with a friend of both of them on the telephone.
In search of adventure, Michael starts crawling around the big mansion, watching all the amazing things he had bought with child-like curiosity.

"Michael, where are you?" Elizabeth's alarmed voice echoes in the rooms of the ranch.
Finally she spots Michael in one of the rooms.
"Here you a-" she was cutted mid-sentence as she saw what Michael was doing: he was gripping a blanket. On the blanket was a porcelain vase. And it was trembling, moved by Michael's constantly gripping the blanket.
"Noooo Michael!" Liz shouted, sprinting to take the boy in time.
She successfully took him before the vase hit him on the head.
She automatically walk to the living room, sat Michael on the blankets and then...
The shouts startled Michael who starts crying, wailing really loud.
God, that boy can shout, like really, he shouts really loud.

Michael's wails got to Elizabeth who instantly calms and try to calm him.

"Shh, Michael, nothing wrong. You just made me really scared! I don't wanna that anything bad happens to you!" She said, starts waking with him in the arms.
Her arms were starts to feel tired, it was better if she remembers he still an adult, when Michael's cry become just quite hiccups and then silent.
He fall asleep, tears still straining his pales cheeks.
Liz kiss his forehead, heading upstairs to put him into bed.

Sorry for the short chapter!
Hope you enjoy and remember to vote and leave a comment. How is the chapter? Good? bad?
Love you all,

Like a child Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora