Healthy habits

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One form of self-love is to create healthy habits. I decided to work on some of my habits and it has created a big difference. I feel happier and more relaxed and hopefully I will continue to add more and more healthy habits.

These habits do not have to be daily, sometimes they can be monthly.
Some examples of what I have tried are:

-Drinking lots of water three times a day
Dehydration can contribute to a bad mood, tiredness and just dry skin. I do my best to drink around 4-6 glasses of water every day. In the morning it's really refreshing.

-Taking care of a plant
Plants bring colour and life! I have a violet in my room and I am currently trying to grow some sunflowers too. It is a simple task that provides beauty to my room.

-Fresh air
It can be just opening a window, reading in my garden or talking a walk just to breath in clean, fresh air. It helps clear my mind and calm my thoughts.

-Daily writing
They say writing heals the soul. I try to write at least one page (computer or three by hand) every day. I just write about anything, like a brain dump. Sometimes I do write stories but not as much as I would like to.

Any book. It can be fantasy, philosophy, non-fiction, anything helps the mind. I usually prefer reading fantasy as it takes me away to other places but I don't mind other genres from time to time.

-Limit social media
Not only does social media affect negatively my mood sometimes but it can also steal my time. I try to limit this for the mornings and afternoons.

This are all of my new habits that I have started implementing this summer. I believe that everyone should try to incorporate a healthy habit and take care of our bodies and mind. It is not always easy but it is leads to great results. Small actions that contribute happiness is a way of loving ourselves. <3

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