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Margot was a genius. She should be able to figure out how to get to Stark Tower without the use of a GPS, but she can't. Eventually the traffic gets to be a stand still, so she ditched the car and runs away while shouting apologizes at the people behind the car and loosing her uncomfortable shoes. She sprinted to the nearest person on the sidewalk and demanded they point her in the direction of the tower between huffy breaths. In all honesty, Margot thought she'd be getting way more weird looks, but a harmless teenage girl was probably the least weird thing to run angrily
into Stark Tower. From where she was running she could see the gleam of the plane on the edge of the balcony and she couldn't help but worry about how Peter was doing.

He didn't have his advanced Spider suit and although he still had his super strength and spidey sense he could get hurt. The vulture obviously didn't care if Peter was just a kid, maybe she shouldn't have left him alone. Margot couldn't do anything to help him but just being there would soothe her conscience.

Her nervous doubting would have to wait because Margot was coming up to the main door of the tower. Weirdly enough, there weren't any people in the lobby nor in the first few floors. The elevator wouldn't take her all the way up to the landing pad, so Margot was forced to climb serval flights of stairs to access the plane and hopefully Happy. But the floor was empty, no worker in sight. Just a closed off plane. She walked up to the aircraft and started typing away on the keypad, trying to remember the access code Stark uses for everything. The override code dismantled the security settings on the plane's closing hatch and allowed Margot to get in and look for Happy.

The aircraft was stacked to the brim with boxes, but no actual crew member in sight. She was in the cockpit trying to stop the takeoff when she felt the ground shake beneath her. "Oh shit. No no no no. This can't be happening." The plane was taking off, and she was going with it.

For a while, she stayed in the cockpit to monitor the surveillance cameras that were situated all around the aircraft. A few minutes after takeoff a blip appeared on the screen in the bottom left hand corner, and despite not having his usual monstrous wings Margot could tell it was the vulture. And he was making his way to the cockpit, his gait very casual as he stopped to peek into some of the boxes on board. When he got close, Margot grabbed a gun from a box labeled 'Natasha's' and hid behind the door so she would be concealed when it opened.

The vulture was setting up the ship's autopilot settings so he hadn't quite noticed Margot's presence, but she didn't give herself away. Vulture waltzed right out the door and started to investigate the contents of all the boxes. He even finds an old iron man helmet and threw it on the floor with a huff. Margot was kind of offended by that, but had no time to be angry over it because Vulture was up investigating a sound Margot couldn't pick up. Although, she could see the exterior surveillance cameras and Peter kicking the hell out of a- Holy shit was that a high altitude vacuum seal? That's fucking cool.  Suddenly, the the vacuum seal was gone, the Vulture was going after Peter and  all Margot could do was sit and watch.

Or she could attempt to override the settings Vulture put in place. Margot was typing away furiously when the plane rotated to the right, the cameras showed Peter and the Vulture hanging off one of the turbines. A few minutes later Margot had shut down the ship's GPS while the plane kept veering toward the side.

A giant metal wing cut through the top of the plane and grabbed a box of weapons as the ship started heading straight toward the city. In a moment of haste, Margot turned the plane off autopilot and took control of a giant fucking jet with no prior experience. At the same time, Peter shot a web at the wing and pulled harder than he ever did before; sending the plane soaring over the beach, crashing into the sand, and throwing Margot into the windshield. When Margot woke up and stumbled out of the cockpit, she could see the Vulture on top of Peter beating him savagely.

Each punch came with a pained scream that made Margot's heart ache with hatred. She had to do something. Judging by the thick theater jacket and heavy armor the Vulture wore, Margot's primitive hand gun would not do the trick. In a plane full of weapons, she found one of Tony's old Iron Man gauntlets and slipped it on. As she maneuvered through the wreckage, Margot connected the gauntlet to the her watch to crest a power source. The gauntlet powered up with a flash of light and an intense pressure weighing on her arms.


The shout caught the attention of the criminal. He looked up for a split second, one hand almost connecting with Peter's face yet again. The small hesitation game Margot enough time to fire the repulsor as Peter ducked in the other direction. Margot had underestimated the power of the prototype and she was hurled across the beach into a piece of the plane wreckage.

"Hey. Hey." Peter's shaky voice was the only thing Margot could understand through the fog of her head. "Don't move." A hand came to brush the cut on her forehead. "Yikes. That might scar... good thing chicks dig scars- Not that you're into chicks- Not that there's anything wrong with that! I mean- I thought maybe you'd be into me. I don't know. I'm going to shut up now."

It all started coming back to her; the dance, the crash, the Vulture, the gauntlet. "Wait!" Margot shot up quickly, making her vision blur even more. "The Vulture! There- there was so much fire. Peter, you have to save him! You can't leave him there. Go save him."

"It's all okay. We saved the Vulture, he's okay. Do you seriously not remember that? You must've hit your head harder than I thought" Peter chuckled lowly.

He started recounting the story to jog her memory. "You fired the repulsor on him. It was fucking awesome by the way. The force shot you back, but I ran back and got you. You, being the stubborn girl I know, refused to seek help until we saved Mr. Toomes." Margot smiled because yeah that did sound like her. "So we ran into the fiery pit of hell, found Mr.Toomes stuck under his own wing. When we went to the pry the wing up, you lost your gripping and smashed your head straight into the metal. It was pretty funny, but you were knocked out cold. Then I carried you and Toomes out to safety. And now we're at my apartment waiting for Aunt May to get home and check you over."

"Oof." Margot let of a huff of air before her eyes widened and she shot up yet again. "How are you going to explain this all to your aunt?"

Peter's soft smile didn't fade as he answered the question carefully and slowly. "You were jumped, I was walking by and found you. We met through the Stark Internship."

"At least one part is true. So, what were you saying about me being into you?"

The loud thump that could be heard four floors down was Peter falling off the couch.

voiceover // peter parkerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora