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Being back in New York after spending so much time in Wakanda was extremely underwhelming for Margot. Firstly, the technology in Stark's Compound, although being more advanced than anything the average person could get their hands on, was a huge downgrade from the lab T'Challa supplied her with. Secondly, Shuri, Bucky, T'Challa, and even Okoye weaseled their way into her heart and it was sad not seeing them everyday.

Peter, on the other hand, was ecstatic for his troublesome gal pal to be back. Too bad Leonardo and Tony were holding her hostage trying to make up for the months spent without her. With how things were going Peter would be lucky to see her in two weeks.


pls help
the dads are smothering me

wah wah
"mr stark is showing me affection
it's so tragic"
be grateful

shut up.
i'm sneaking out tonight to see you

In his seventeen years of living, a girl has never snuck out to see him. A girl has never even wanted to talk to him (except Liz but that turned to shit real fast) and Peter had not idea how he's supposed to act around a chick. And if he asked May she'd probably tell him to 1. Not call her a chick and 2. Be himself which was terrible advice. Which is why Ned and Mj were attempting to help him out.

"I've been friends with Margot for a long time and I have one question." Mj started emotionlessly while chowing down on a vegan taco. "Why is she with you? Like no offense but I always thought she'd end up with either me or some suave, hot, French guy from her past. Again, no offense."

"Obviously she's with him because he's

In an instant Peter was up off the bed and clamping a hand over Ned's mouth. "Har har! Very funny, Ned! I do wish I was Spider-Man... he's so cool." Then threw a killer look toward his best friend.

"Peter, you can't be serious..." Michelle said disapprovingly. "I've known forever, you're not that good at keeping it a secret!" After seeing Peter's confused face, she continued. "I got on your phone once at decathlon practice and there were a ton of pictures of Spider-Man on it, like an obsessive amount. The only two explanations were that you were Spider-Man or you're gay. And given how much you drone on about my friend I assumed you're him."

"I could be bi!" Peter said indignantly.

Michelle rolled her eyes. "Are you?"


"Cool." She held out her hands for Peter to high five. "Are you also Spider-Man?"


The look Mj gave Peter made him feel bad for ever doubting her observation skills because she was seriously the most analytical person he'd ever met, and he's met Black Widow. The he remembered why he called his friends
into his small bedroom in the first
place and flopped onto the bottom
bunk of his bed.

"Seriously, guys." He whined annoyingly. "I've fought so many bad guys but a harmless girl has got me shaking in my suit."

Ned snorted at Peter's dramatics. "I don't know Margot that well but I feel like if she heard you call her harmless she'd snap you in half." Michelle nodded solemnly.

voiceover // peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now