Gear up we are heading to Cross Academy!

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As the sun rises over the mountains. It's beans into a young lady's room, brightening her room. The room was quiet, but very peaceful. The only thing you can hear are the sound of the young girl's snore. It wasn't a loud snore, it was soft.

*alarm sound rings in the room*

 "Mhmm." Said softly by the young girl.

Reader (pov)

 " Morning already? Man I haven't slept like that in years. " I said as I stretched and yawned while putting a hand over my mouth. I get up and grabbed an outfit out of my closet and head to the shower. As I walked into the bathroom, I looked over to my left where my mirror was. My hair was in a messy bun with a few strand of hair sticking in all kinds of directions. " Talk about a mess. " I said with a disgusted face. Once more I've yawned again with my right hand over my mouth. *snift* " Ew my breathe! " I said out loud. I walked over the tube and turned on the water.

Later, after taking a shower and putting on my outfit I get a text while I'm brushing my teeth.

 To (Y/n)

From Mira: 

 " (Y/n) Master needs you to report to the guild as soon as you can please. He said it's important because he's sending you and the others on a mission. "

(Y/n) reads the text and quickly put on her pair of shoes and walks out with an apple. As she is walking down the street she texts Mira back saying that she is on her way. " I wonder what kind of mission will we be taking? Sounds important too, I'd better hurry too! " I yelled as I start running. 

at the guild

master (pov)

I silently waited for everyone to get here before telling the whole guild what's going on. I crossed my arms and lower my head with my eyes closed as I think. ' I never want to my children in danger, but this is important. Strange activities are happening at a academy.' " Hmmm. " I hummed as I think deeply about how I'm going to explain what's happening . The door opens and I opened my eyes to see that the whole team arrived all together. I stood up and walked to the center of the guild. " Listen up! We have an errant matter on our hands and it needs to be taken care of. There has been strange activities happening at an academy. Natsu, Erza, Gray, Wendy, Carla, Happy, Lucy, and (Y/n). I need you to investigate what's happening. The headmaster there is well aware that you all will be heading there. You must pretend to be normal students and to not cost any trouble! " I spoke a little louder on the last part looking at Natsu and Gray. " You will be students there so you will have to wear the uniforms.  The Academy is called Cross Academy, there is night class and day class. Headmaster will explain why, when you get there. Also you will not use your magic unless you need too. That is an important detail to this mission. No magic unless needed too. Now I want you all to pack up and head on out to this mission. Erza here is the map, now my children. We don't known what is going on, but we need you to be careful. I want you guys to report to me when you find more information and for us to know that you all okay. Now go and find out what's happening! " I said in a powerful encouraging voice.

(Y/n) (pov)

We all headed back to our home and packed up quickly. I grabbed my personal materials and items. I looked over my small exceed and decided to take him with me. I packed everything him and I will need. " Okay now is that everything Kai? "I asked as I looked at him.

"I think so...Oh! What about Mister Bun Bun?" He asked about his cute blue stuff teddy bear.

" That right we can't forget about him. " I said walking over to the bed and quickly picked up Mister Bun Bun and put it in my carry on bag. After that we both head out to the train where we are going to meet up with everyone. As we got there, we were a little late. " I'm so sorry we are late. " I apologize as we were trying to catch our breath. "That is alright, the train we need to get on isn't here yet." Erza said while turning around to look at us.

 15 minutes roles by and our train finally arrived. We picked up our stuff and walked on the train. I sat beside Gray as he sat beside Lucy. Kai sat on my lap and sitting across from us was Natsu, Erza, and Wendy. Both Happy and Carla sat on Wendy's and Natsu's lap. But as usual Natsu felt sick so he was up against the window.

"How long will this train ride take?" I asked when I tilted my head slightly.

"Its a long ride I heard, it's suppose to take 4 hours." Gray spoke out , looking over to Natsu

"4-*gulp* 4 hours *gulp* on man." Natsu said quietly as he holds his sickness in.

" There, There, why don't you relax until we get there. " Erza said calmly as she jabs Natsu in the stomach, knocking him out cold. 'We could've had Wendy to cast a spell for his sickness, but that works too.' I silently thought to myself as we all sweat dropped.

Narrator (pov)

As they all head to Cross Academy. One by one feel asleep. The sun slowly went down and the stars took over the night. (Y/n) and Kai both were still awake and looked up at the sky. " I wonder what will happen in this mission. " she spoke quietly as everyone else was asleep. She then too fell asleep shortly after hearing Kai soft snore.

(I'm so sorry this took me so long to make and published. I will be changing the picture of this story because I made a better looking cover, also each character will have his or her own ending. If you want to request a certain character please message on my profile so that way I can see it. Here is all of the character that will have their ending so far.











(I might throw in one of my own oc , but thank you all so much for reading this and supporting me!)

Note I changed (E/n) to Kai. I gave an actual name- updated 1/20/20 9 pm

Vampire Wizard (fairy tail x reader x vampire Knight)Where stories live. Discover now