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*The next day*

Lucy (pov)

It about 8 am on the morning and day class is about to start. Knowing Natsu and Happy, I was a little worried that they would sleep in late. So I told (Y/n) and Kai that I would meet them in class. Both of them nodded their heads and walked to class.

As I headed to Natsu's room. Yuki and Zero both were walking my direction.

"Hey, good morning Lucy!" Yuki waves and ran to me

"Good morning, how are you guys?" I asked looking passed her towards Zero. He seem disinterested in the conversation.

" Good, um I have a question? Do you guys know about the night class? " She asked being really cautions.

I nodded, " meaning who they are? Then yes. We are all aware of them. "

"Tsk." I hear and looked over to Zero again. ' He must not like them or something's

Yuki started speaking again. "Oh well Headmaster was wondering if you all that are in the day class would meet him after class?"

" Oh yeah sure we will be there. "

" Great! Well Zero and I should be going see you all in class. " she said pulling Zero along

'Hmm Zero is a bit odd' I shook off the though and headed straight to Natsu's room.

*time skip*
(Y/n) (pov)

Kai and I are sitting class bored out of our minds. We were really early. Only a few students were hear and they were talking among themselves. But I can hear what they are saying and Kai doesn't like it.

" Omg I thought pets weren't allowed? " One girl said with brown hair

" I thought so too, she's going to get in trouble. " the second one comment after her.

One girl with short brown hair walks in and sits two seats away from us. She looks really calm, but a bit annoyed.

"People." She sighs as she looks over to me and Kai. " I wouldn't pay attention to them. You're new here, right? "

I nodded, "yes I'm (Y/n) and this is Kai" I stood up and bow politely, Kai did the same.

"Oh, you don't have that, my name is Yori." She said while smiling. I smiled back " Nice to meet you! " We talk for a while until class started. Everyone including Natsu, Sting, Happy and Lucy are here, but it looks like Yuki and Zero are late.

Lucy sent out a text to all of us about what Yuki informed her earlier. So we knew where to go after all of our classes.

*time skip*

All of us walked down to the office. Sting knocks and we hear a soft "come in."

Headmaster looks up and smiles. " An you are all here good! Now since you all are aware of the night classes being vampires, would you guys care that I put you all in the disciplinary committee? "He ask pushing his classes up.

" I don't think any of us mines. It'll give us an opportunity to find out what's happening. " I stated, Kai nodded and so did the others.

Natsu smiles and punches one of his hand like he usually does when he gets excited. " Sounds fun, right Happy? "

"Aye sir!" Everyone else smiles and nods

Headmaster smiles and clears his throat to speak. " very well then, here is yours wear these so everyone knows that you are apart of the team. Every morning and night you are on duty. I wish you all luck. Now go and head towards the night class gate. " he hands us our arm bands.

We all nodded and left,

*at the night class gate*
( (Y/N) POV )

It was a little bit of a walk, but as we all got close. We heard tons of high pitched screams. It made me feel a little bit unease. "Why are they screaming so loud?" I asked us we all appeared on the screen. We spotted a short hair brown girl in a day class uniform. It was Yuki, she was using her body weight to push back a larger group of the girls.

"Get back, make some room!" She shouts at them, seems desperate to get them to listen.

"Whoa this looks a little scary to deal with." Lucy comment about the scene. Of course I couldn't help but agree with her. Why are these girls so desperate the night class?

Erza hummed and started to walk forward, "let's go, we have work to do." We all took places and I was with Yuki, pushing them back. " one of the girl glared at me and tsked .

"You can't be serious, the new girl is a part of the team now!? That's not fair!!" She squealed as she makes at scene. It gathered most of the girls in that side attention and they started to make a fuss. The gate start opened and all of the sudden the weight on our backs lifted. Both Yuki and I fell in our butts.

One by one, all of the girls were now in a straight line. We were not, ".....Okay...this is odd." I looked back, not noticing a hand in front of me.

"Are you alright?" ???

Vampire Wizard (fairy tail x reader x vampire Knight)Where stories live. Discover now