Signs Save Lives

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Nate's POV

      Today me and my boyfriend, Cal, are having a beach day. This beach day is not normal though, we are checking things off of our couples bucket list. Some of those things include having sex in the ocean, having sex in a beach chair and other things like that. 
      We wanted to start with sex in the ocean to get prepared for sex in a beach chair. We arrive and run into the water because I am so horny. We find a spot in the water where there are not many children and there are mostly adults.
      To get into the mood we start kissing. Soon it becomes very heated, me reaching my hand down his swim trunks to make him hard. He grabs my ass and lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist and hands around his neck, never breaking the kiss. He pulls my trunks down just enough so he can get in there and you can assume what happens next.
      We didn't want to cum in the water so we made our way to the beach chair that we had saved previously. We are walking hand in hand and then Cal signs to me "You are the coolest boyfriend I have ever had". Oh, did I mention that Cal is def. We use sign language to communicate. I sign back to him "Why thank you" and kiss him.
      When we get to the chair, I decide that I want to ride him so I lie him down on the chair and I climb on his lap. He signs "Won't we get caught" and I just sign back "Don't worry babe, I have a plan". We wrap a towel around both of our waists so that nobody can see. Then I pull his dick out of his trunks and pull mine down just enough. I slowly lower myself onto his dick and try to keep a straight face. Rather than bouncing, I roll my hips to create some friction. At this rate, we will be having sex for a while but we both have time.     
      I grab some sunscreen from our bag while keeping his dick inside of me. I squirt it onto my hands, keeping eye contact with Cal, and rub it onto his chest. He lets out a moan but I quickly put my finger to my lips to let him know to stay silent. I keep rubbing his chest while I roll my hips a little faster. I make sure to go over his nipples a lot because they are really sensitive. He closes his eyes and clenches his jaw to keep quiet. For a def person, he is very loud during sex, so I know this is hard for him.
      "I'm about to cum" he signs to me but before he can a police officer taps me on the shoulder. I turn my head quickly and pat Cal on the chest so he can open his eyes. He signs "Why did you stop" before he realizes why.
      "Good afternoon officer" I say to the police man standing over us. I make sure to sign what I am saying for Cal so he can understand what is going on.
      "Good afternoon. What are you doing with your hands?" He asks because I am also signing what he says.
      "My boyfriend is def so I am signing to him what we are saying." But this time, as I say that I am signing something completely different. "Pull out and pull our shorts up". This was my plan from the start. He nods and starts to do what I told him to.
      "Well you don't have to do that because I am talking to you" He tells me firmly.
      "That is not fair to my boyfriend because if he were hearing, he could know what you are saying so this is discrimination" I say. This was also part of my plan and this time I ask Cal if he has done it yet to make sure everything is going smooth. He nods back to me and I turn back to the officer.
      "Ok whatever. What are you guys doing?" He asks.
      "I was just putting some sunscreen on his chest. Is there a problem with that officer?"
      "No there is not. But it looks like you guys are having sex. This beach has a no sex rule"
      I fake offense as I say over dramatically "Officer. I would never, especially in front of the children. Oh my goodness."
      "Well we got a complaint and it seems like you guys are"
      "I am only sitting on his lap. That woman over there is sitting on her boyfriend's lap and you haven't spoken to them. Now you are discriminating against the gays." He looks shaken and Cal lets out a chuckle because I am still signing what I am saying. I look at his name tag and call him out. "Officer Trexal, I shall report you for discrimination against the gays and the def. It is 2018 and I can't believe this is happening. I never thought that I would encounter this, especially by an officer." By this point, a small crowd has gathered and I wipe away a fake tear.
      "No no no sir that is not what I meant. It's just—"
      I cut him off by standing up off the chair, both of us clothed and say "Well obviously you thought wrong because my boyfriend and I are completely clothed. Please apologize to us. This is how you say sorry in sign language" I show him and he quickly does it and walks away, red with shame.
      The crowd claps and I bow. I help Cal up and he bows too. I turn to the crowd and say "Just between us, we were having sex" and I wink. They laugh and wave goodbye.
      "You are fucking awesome" Cal signs to me.
      "I told you I had a plan. Now lets go home because I really want to finish what we started" I sign as I run to the chair and grab our things. Cal just follows with a smile on his face.
      Long story short, we didn't make it home because we had car sex in the parking lot and it was amazing.

Sorry I have not been posting a lot. I always start stories and never finish them so I have a few that I am working on. In the meantime, I hope you enjoyed this one. Love you guys.

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