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It burns, it feels like a throat does after indigestion or throwing up and acid had trickled down her face from her eyes.


something must have irritated my eyes while I was sleeping.

slowly but surely I got up out of bed, all the bones in my body seemingly clicking as I lifted it from the mattress and headed to the bathroom that was conjoined to my room.

my feet prodded the cold tiles of my bathroom I slowly looked into the mirror to see the damage done.

there I was in all my short glory.

my long black raven hair, messy lookin like I just came out of a hurricane.

my pale gray eyes, sharp and bloodshot,

my Caspers -ass pale skin ... and the massive red blotches of raw skin showing.

shit! my tears burned my eyes again...

god dammit ami. 

I rummage through my medicine cabinet, looking for the cream that numbs the pain and hides the burned skin tissue to the naked eye.


 ??? pov 

I heard shuffling in Ami's room.

what the fuck is she doing, its three in the fuckin morning! ...

wait a second, HER EYES! SHIT! 

I jumped out of my comfy bed and legged it to my beloved Ami's room I tried the handle.

fuck! her doors locked well I'll pay for a new one. 

with that thought, I kicked Ami's door down causing a massive crash (oops).

I rushed over to Ami's bathroom on the other side of her room and there she was.

standing in her black rolling stones shirt with her black shorts, her pale skin seemed to be glowing in the moonlight.

when she turned to look at me, my suspicions were confirmed, she had been crying, all the skin underneath her eyes had been burned down to a thin red layer and her eyes were bloodshot because of irritation. unless she had alcohol without me -_- 

"oh my god Ami are you alright, did you cry again," I asked her softly 

"I didn't mean to, I was sleeping when it happened I think my eyes watered up because of something on my pillow" she whimpered god

she sounds exhausted, how long has she been up? what time did she go to sleep at? 

"do you know where my cream is, Oliver," she asked while I was still deep in thought.

"yes it's in the bin remember? it went out of date so we had to get rid of it this morning " i reminded her.

"FUCK!!!" she exclaims 

??? pov 

I heard chaos (aka Ami and Oliver) 

banging on my door. 

oh dear god what do they want at half past three in the bloody morning,  they better have a good fuckin reason for this! I rose gracefully from my bed and opened the door.

Ami's Pov 

Penelope opened the door rubbing her lilac eyes, her brown fringe a mess but the rest of her hair is in a nice neat bun with her glasses squint on her face.

oops, I think we woke her up.

Olivers pov 

"Penelope, I know you just woke up and all that bullshit but Ami was crying again and we need another cream," i said quickly

I wrapped my arm around tiny Ami and pulled her closer to me.

"well fuck Ami hun come here, I'll fix you up, Oliver start waking everybody else up so they are ready for school" Penelope ordered I

was about to come back with something snarky like 'you aren't the boss of me' but Ami gave me the puppy dog eyes. ugh she is so lucky I love her to death or Penelope's glasses would be in half right now !. 

and so Ami disappeared into that damned scientist's room. sigh. I guess I should start waking everyone else up and before I knew it I was at Nathaniel's door. 

the door opened without me even having to knock nat had opened the door ... I look down at him seeing his scruffy brown hair and sea green eyes. he was already up and ready school         Da fuck ??

"good morning oli, get the others cause I'm already awake obviously I'll make breakfast" and with that, the shortest sixteen-year-old male on earth walked away. -_-

when I turned around, I walked right into a wall. wait I mean Jasper. his blonde had gel keeping it smart and his massive light blue eye shone with mischief. what is this giant planning?

"Hey Oliver can you help me wake cookie up," Jasper asked, smirking

ah, jaspers twin sister cookie that poor girl is screwed.

"sure, what do you have planned," I asked wiggling my eyebrows  

Ami's Pov 

Penelope was dabbing rubbing alcohol onto my raw skin to cleanse it.  we've been in here for about an hour . I hear everyone waking up. that's when I heard a giant splash. oh dear god, I then heard the scream only a cheerleader called cookie could make.

"Ami you can help once I have applied the cream," Penelope says, holding me down 

"fine just hurry up". i say 

and so she did in no time at all Penelope had finished the burns were completely covered ( this cream was specifically made to cover the skin tissue that was burned off by Ami's acidic tears)

and I was booking it down the hall to cookie's room when I looked in through the doorway there were the guilty Oliver and Jasper stood over the soaked cookie with an empty bucket.

cookies blonde hair was wet and her dark blue eyes look like they could kill the boys .

"what the fuck you two!!! " cookie screamed 

then she realized I was approaching the two boys 

"well this is payback for eating my doughnut, cookie," Jasper says chuckling

now I was right behind the two boy's I jumped up and grabbed their ears 

"da fuck do you two think your doing" i whispered in their ears they both shivered in fear 

i let the two of them go and they ran down the hall with their tails between their legs.

 "here cookie i'll do your washing you go take a hot shower " i said calmly  picking up the wet bedding 

cookie nodded and went through the door to her bathroom after a few seconds i heard the water running i went in and grabbed her wet pjamas replaceing them with cloths for the day.

after getting all of the boys had soaked i started walking down the stairs to the kitchen this was an eventful morning but then again arent all mornings in a house full of supernatrual teenagers. 

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