chapter 5

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Ami's Pov 

I woke up with a start what was that I just saw? was that alk in danger? where did the scream come from?

I looked around and my Nakama looked severely concerned.

"Ami love, are you ok?" Penelope asked reaching over and  petting my head 

should I tell them what I saw no, I can't it will just worry them more?

"yeah im fine... just a bad dream" I answered softly snuggling into my pillow (Oliver) 

"was it about the incident?" nat asked concern written all over his face 

"no it wasn't, it was just a really bad dream but you guys don't have to worry about me because as long as I have you guys by my side im going to be ok," I said smiling with my eyes closed  

I then heard five people squealing "you are the most adorable thing in the galaxy"

as they said that I simultaneously turned into a fucking tomato,

the bus then suddenly stopped sending all six of us into a massive pile on the floor, the rude teenagers around us started snickering at us some taking pictures of us.

uh oh  

Cookie's Pov 

As the assholes around us laughed and took pictures instead of asking if we are ok, I thought of a devious plan I telepathically told the others my plan and they all smirked simultaneously.

so we all stood up and took a bow, put our middle fingers up and yelled 

"thank you all, for being our audience we're here all week hope you asshats have a fuckin fabulous day "

We then ran off the bus laughing our asses off.

"Oh my creator Lil Sis I didn't know you had that kind of evil in you" Jasper managed to chuckle 

"I learned from the best"I replied slowing down so we don't get in trouble for running in the hall

"yip me" Oliver interjected setting us all into hysterics (A/N if you got to my school you'll understand why I spelt yep that way)

"oh dear it seem's I have found a wild pack of hyenas," said a familiar strong voice 

I looked up to see our classes mentor fete the elf-knight, oh yeah did I forget to mention that my class is the only supernatural set in this school obviously we have older classes and younger classes but our class is the only different ones in our year group.

Penelopes Pov 

we all stopped laughing when our well gorgeous teacher said that.

"good morning sensei," said the cutie Ami 

"well it is nice to see my students so happy in the morning" fete said chuckling 

"well see you all in registration" she added and she skipped away from us her dirty blonde hair bouncing as she goes.

after a while, I and the others continued to walk to our classroom.

"Hey, guys?" I said stopping

"yeah" ami enquired 

"does anyone else feel like we are being watched?" I asked shivering

"oh that's just Calvin," Oliver said nonchalantly

And then at the mention of his name Calvin came out of the shadows his fluffy silver hair everywhere and his yellow cat-like eyes shimmering.

"hi Penelope~~~," he said coming up to me completely ignoring the others 

"what do want, baka," I said coldly though on the inside my heart was going a hundred miles a minute (A/N im sorry I had to add that baka)

the other five slowly walked away leaving me with the pervert. TRAITORS!!!

"I just wanted to know," Cal said winking at me 

"know what,"I asked raising an eyebrow already losing my patience 

"if I could follow you home, cause my parents always told me to follow my dreams" the flirt said winking at me again.

So i do what any women in the 21st century that is in my situation would do, I slapped him and said 

"see ya in class Curidori" 

And then I start running away hoping he wouldn't follow me but of course he does :(

Cookie's Pov 

We had all abandoned Penny to fend for herself against the pickup lines mwhaha rest in pieces you tsundere.

"hey cookie," nat said tugging my arm

"what's up manchild,"I asked looking down on him

he gave me the -__- face 

"well I was going to warn you that Lilly-ann is right over there and Ami is about to give her a massive bone-crushing hug so that you can mentally prepare yourself," Nat said in a drawled bored sarcastic tone.

Shitty Titties on Dinosaurs!

"thanks for warning me" I whispered in his ear 

 He nods as he walks to Oliver & Jasper who are looking very smug (assholes im so going to get them back) grabs them by their ears and drags them away in the direction of the classroom.

I so owe him now,

"ow Nat, get off your so mean" Jasper exclaimed how am I related to that idiot?

"Ami help" Oliver yells 

Ami turned around and saw the scene happening before her, she facepalmed, whispered something to Lilly-ann making her a bright red. Ami the left to try and stop the boys from doing anything reckless.

Now that my embarrassing family are gone I jog up to Lilly-ann and gave her a massive hug.

"hhhi uh Cookie hhow um are you?" Lilly stuttered in her really silky voice that makes me want to die.

I looked down at her and her face was flushed, she IS SO CUTE!!!.

"im fine lil, you wanna walk to class together," I asked smiling at the gorgeous women in front of me.

"sure!" she yelled excitedly

Lilly linked arms with me and we skipped our way to class.

when we arrived we heard someone blaring Haily Kiyoko's "girls like girls" I looked over to see that CC is the culprit I am going to kill...... wait I was going to say kill them but they are a... ghost.

  "CC! leave them alone you fuck" Jackie yelled from the other side of the class with Emmie and Nathaniel at her side it seems they were talking about games again probably the newish one Detroit: become human.

i looked around the room looking for everyone else.  

Ami was in the corner of the room with Cayenne, it seem's she was helping her with something, maybe homework?.

Malford, Zero and Jasper were sitting on the desk's talking about whether they should skip the 1st period or not, these boys honestly 

Smackdown in the middle of the room was idiot 1 and idiot 2 I uh mean Archie and Oliver arguing ???? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THESE TWO THEY ARE FIGHTING OVER CHEESE OF ALL THING!!!.

I let a small sigh escape my lips. Lilly-ann rubbed my back to soothe me, and I gotta say it worked. 

"they are just so stupid" I whispered to Lilly

"I know but that's why we love them" she whispered back

"everyone shush !" Fete exclaimed as she walked in the classroom and once at her desk she added "class settle down". 

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