Chapter Eighteen;

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After I get home from work, I have a shower and realize that my fight with Jeremy has left me with some wounds. I have an insane pain in my chest and lower back, as well as my lip, where Peyton has yet to put the stitches. I know not to bother her right now, she's probably writing her last exam right now. She's graduating tomorrow too, I'm hoping I will get an invitation to that. I'd love to see her on stage getting her medical diploma. She's going to be so happy that she's graduated and that she can move on with her life and get a good job now.

Too bad I'm going to break her when I tell her I'm going to train with Jake. At least, I think she'll be a little upset that I'm leaving. I know how I feel about her, and if she feels the same way then I know she'll be devastated. Heck, I can't even bare to be away from her right now because I fear that Jeremy will come along and ruin everything, like he did at the movies.

I'm almost looking forward to the stitches Peyton's going to put in my lip. I can barley eat, fearing that if I open my mouth too wide my lip will start to gush out that gooey red stuff that everyone hates looking at. Especially me. I hate blood, I always have and I always will.

I replace the towel that was around my waist with a pair of boxers and dark blue jeans. I walk downstairs to grab a glass of orange juice before I make my way into the living room. I just turn the television on when Beck comes out of the basement.

"Hey bud. How you feeling?" He asks. I shrug and wince at the sudden pain it caused. "That bad eh?" He laughs, walking into the kitchen.

"I can't help it Beck, I don't fight people I'm not use to this. He kicked the crap out of me" I yell, leaning back on the couch, sipping my orange juice carefully, as I don't want it to end up splitting my lip again.

"But you got him back, didn't you?" He asks. I nod and smile. We fist pump and he says, "Good man" .

We sit in silence for a couple minutes before he finally breaks the ice and asks me when I'm going to be training with Jake. I knew that question was coming, he just can't wait for me to leave. I know Beck cares about me and he wants me to make a name for myself, but I can't believe how badly he wants me to get out of here and over to Korea. It makes my blood boil a little, but I can't help it.

"We're going tomorrow" I say with slight sadness in my voice.

"I figured they'd have you training as soon as you signed up. They're going to ship you over there before you can blink" He says, leaning back on the chair he sits on. I scratch the back of my neck with my hand.

He sighs before he starts to speak again. "You know, Hawk. I always imagined you in the army. I bet you can already see that, but I've always imagined you in a uniform, fighting for our country. I'm proud of you, that's for sure. And I want you to have these" He says.

Beck gets up and reaches his arms behind the chair, pulling out a small green box with his name on it. He hands it to me, and I open it.

"Is this yours?" I ask. He nods his head. "Beck, you don't have to give me this. This is yours, and....and Dads..." I tell him.

He and my dad, they had rings that they got when they were in the army. They got them from my Grandpa before they were shipped off to fight. Now, he was giving it to me? This is unreal.

"You can't give this to me, this is the only thing that keeps you and my Dad tied together somehow..." I say to him. He shakes his head and pushes it back towards me.

"No, Chris. He's your father, this ring should be yours. It meant a lot to me when I had it, and I'm sure you'll take care of it. " Beck says before he stands up and leaves the room before I get a chance to say anything else.

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