Demi!Fenris x Ace!Reader - The Reasons Why - Pt 1

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It wasn't hard to figure out why he loved her so. If he had to spell out a few reasons, he could, but asking him too ran the risk of a never-ending, slightly mushy, speech. Isabella had learnt that the hard way.

He believed it had started from the first time they'd met. Well, maybe a little before that. He was smart enough to keep an eye on Anso, in case guards or Danarius' men came looking for him. Instead, he saw her. Fenris was never one to fall for, nor care about, looks or gender. It wasn't a choice he had being what he had been, so he'd learnt to adapt. He couldn't remember caring before that either, so why care now? What he was interested in was the nature of a person, what they cared about, what they fought for. So when he first saw her...

~ Fenris Pov ~ beginning of Bait and Switch ~

"You're eyes are kinda cool!"

She'd said basically as soon as she'd started talking to Anso. It hadn't been what he was expecting, but they were mostly there to be bait, so it didn't matter. She had a guardswomen with her, a dwarf and what looked to be her brother. Only the guard might be trouble, but nothing to concern himself with now. She and Anso were deep in conversation when they finally reached the topic of Lyrium. She backed off a bit.

"That's not a good trade." Her voice was harder now, more on edge.

"My cousin introduced me, it's not to bad. Make a good profit a lot of the time." Anso didn't seem to grasp what she'd meant.

"Why should I help you get it back if it's just going to go to Templars illegally?"

"I'll make it worth your time! Or, I'll try to..."

Her brother made a snark remark behind her. She looked him over.

"I don't want your money. I want names. Every Templar you can remember dealing with. Aveline, you can decide what to do with them, I won't interfere more then that, but he get's to deliver this cart and then," she turned back to Anso "you can enter field work, or come work for me at some point if you'd like? Or I could introduce you to Athenril, I have a feeling you'd do well with her."

Anso looked confused, he always looked confused, but he quickly brightened up at the thought of getting out of a business he was clearly not cut out for or learning the trade.

"Deal. The people you're looking for usually hang out near..."

I'd seen enough. They'd taken the bait... in a different way then I'd expected, but the trap was set regardless.


She'd defeated them all. Well, all the ones in the hovel anyway. I hadn't been there, but it was clear from the array of bodies laid about. I turned around after removing my hands from the bastard's chest. I'd expected a look of horror, or at least basic disgust. She had stars in her eyes. That was the only way to describe the look she was giving me.

"That was so cool." She took a half step towards me. "Does your skin always light up when you chest fist people? Can you do it without the stabbing bit? Is it chest area exclusive? Does it-"

"Uh, Sunflower? (A/N: I'm so sorry about the nickname)" The dwarf behind her (thankfully) butted in. "I think you're overwhelming him." 'Sunflower' went perfectly still before her face scrunched up into an apologetic look and she mouthed 'sorry' at me.

"I suppose I should explain. When I asked Anso to provide a distraction for me, I had no idea they'd be so numerous. I apologise." I started.

"A distraction?"

"Yes, my name is Fenris and they were hired to track down a Magisters lost property. Namely myself. Thankfully, Anso chose wisely."

"That seems like a lot of effort to find one slave. Does it have anything to do with those markings?" Her voice had dropped again, like when she was talking to Anso about Lyrium. I worried she was one of those people that believed in slaves being a legal property.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2018 ⏰

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