Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Katia's POV

Mondays. I never really had much of a problem with them, but today i do. I had to see Jessie and Aiden. Maybe they won't even try to talk to me, just maybe.

I got up from my bed and went over to the bathroom. After brushing my teeth and taking a shower i went over to my closet to find something to wear. I decided on a pair of gray sweatpants with a blue baggy shirt. I did my hair up in a high ponytail. I put some perfume then grabbed my phone and glasses.

When i walked downstairs i saw Jane and my mom there. Josh is probably in the living room playing video games. I went over to the cabinets and grabbed a box of lucky charms, then to the fridge and grabbed some milk.

While eating my mom looked over at me. I looked at her with no emotion and she was about to open her mouth to say something when i cut her off.

"Im leaving and can you take Jane? i have to get to school early." I didn't wait for her to say anything i just walked out.

After exiting my house i took out my headphones and started to listen to music. Just random music.

When i got to school i went straight to my locker. I put in my combination and took out my science book. I shut it and started heading torwards the class. What sucks is that i have this class with Jess.

As im walking down the hall an arm pulls me back. I see 3 people. One is Nicole Jakeson queen bitch of the school #1 slut. To her right is Jamie Anderson slut #2. And to Nicole's left is Maria Anderson slut #3, and Jamie's twin sister. None of them are smart. I hug my science book tighter to my chest.

"Well nerd, i really don't want to spend much time talking to you i wouldn't want to get a disease so let me just get to the point" she steps forward "stay away from Aiden he is my boyfriend-"

"Didn't you say he was your boy toy?" Jamie asked

"Shut up" Nicole screeches "anyways he us mine so you better stay away and we won't have any problems"

"You can have him i don't want him"

"Good now go i don't want any diseases on me anyways" she waves her hand to shoo me off and i do, i dont want to be near her.

She just gave me another good reason to stay away. As i'm walking in i bump into someone.

"Oh sorry" but i dont look up. The person person pulls me by the arm.

"Hey can you help me" i look up to see a real cute boy.

He is about 6'2 with light brown hair that falls over his eyes. He has beautiful blue eyes. He is waering a beany and has a lip piercing on the right. He is hot!

"Uhh sure. With?" I ask. Good job katia no stuttering.

"I'm new here and i need help finding my first class" he says scratching the back of his neck.

"Sure what do you have?"

He looks at his schedule and then back at me "science"

"Oh i have that too we can walk in together" i smile up at him.

"Okay thanks and my name is Carson." He extends a hand for me to shake.

"My name's Katia" i say taking his hand.

"Beautiful name for such a beautiful girl" he smiles. I'm pretty sure i'm blushing hard.

"Thanks" i muttered

"No problem"

"Well we are here" i say opening the door from my hold.

"No let me hold it go ahead" he said taking the door from my hold.

"Wow you are such a gentleman." I smile then remember i'm suppose to be emotionless. But with Carson being so charming who can't smile.

When we walk in together i noticed Jessie and that all the desks are in groups of four and two. Jessie is sitting with Aiden and James. I look for one that has too with Carson following behind.

When we sit i look over and notice jessie, Aiden and James are staring at us curiously.

"So what's this school like?" Carson asks making me look at him.

"Well it's okay but you need to make sure to hang out with the right crowd and you pretty much look like you could go with the popular kids"

"What crowd are you?" He asked cocking his head to the side.

"Loner and nerd" i say looking at him.

"Well you are no longer a loner because i'm going to be with you all through the year" he says grinning goofily.

"But you could be with the popular crowd." I say confusedly

"So? I don't care you helped me so i'm going to be there for you" he explained


"No problem and can i ask you something?"

"Sure" i say smiling at him.

"Why are they staring at you and me" he nods his head at Aiden, Jessie and James.

"I dont know but probably wondering why a nerd is sitting with such a hottie" oh god! i just called him a hottie! please kill me now!

"Ahh so you think i'm hot" he smirks at me. I turn red of embarrasment.

"No.. I..i mean.. Yes" well there is no denying it now.

"Cool because i think you are beautiful."


Carson kept his promise. We meet after each class and i help him get to his. We have lots of classes together.

Right now it's lunch time and me an Carson are headed torwards the cafeteria.

"Wow this caf is big" he says looking around.

"Well im going to go sit down and you get lunch"

"What about your lunch" he asks.

"I don't really like cafeteria food." I say looking at him.

"Okay i'll find you when i get my lunch." He grins widely.

"Okay" i went to find us a table and sat down.

"Katia" i look up to see Jessie, Aiden and James. They are like the 3 musketeers now always together.

"Yes?" I ask

"Why are you ignoring us?" Aiden asks

"Don't know what you are talking about" i say looking to see Carson coming but with no lunch.

"Hey katia i didn't really like what they were giving, you want to go to the diner i saw across the street?" He asked me but looked questioningly at my use-to-be-friends.

"Uhh sorry i dont have money"

"It's on me c'mon" he says i get up and he casually puts his arms around my shoulders while we walk.

"So that's it you're going to ignore us?" I hear aiden ask. I turn around and say

"Its for the best" then turn around and walk away. And i meant it. It's for their best.

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