C H A P T E R 3 3_

183 9 9

(song above dedicated to Loki and Esther)


I pull out the glove with attached fingerprints and slip it over my hand. Pressing it carefully to the wall panel, I wait for it to say approved before Stark takes out his device that has captured a retinal scan.

I glance over my shoulder at the mimics that slam their bodies against the barricade, the metal sound echoing into the bunker.

I glance over my shoulder at the mimics that slam their bodies against the barricade, the metal sound echoing into the bunker

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"Thor! Keep that protected! We need to give Natasha and Stark as much time as we can!" Captain America says as he fires his battle rifle at the approaching mimics, the shells of the bullets flying out behind him as the loud sound pierces my ears.

Thor changes his footing and throws out his hammer, the weapon flying around us as it takes out aliens that fling themselves at us and him while he stretches out his hand and lets lighting come from the sky, the bolt going straight through the mim...

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Thor changes his footing and throws out his hammer, the weapon flying around us as it takes out aliens that fling themselves at us and him while he stretches out his hand and lets lighting come from the sky, the bolt going straight through the mimic that was throwing its tentacle hands against Iron Man's barrier, the electric energy smiting the others around it that do the same before Mjolnir comes back and he and his Warriors Three, along with the rest of us, go over there to make that our central point of defense.

Thor changes his footing and throws out his hammer, the weapon flying around us as it takes out aliens that fling themselves at us and him while he stretches out his hand and lets lighting come from the sky, the bolt going straight through the mim...

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