Found them!

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The 2 girls saw cages everywhere and you wouldn't believe what

Was in them! It were the Faries! All the Faries in Centopia were

Inside the cages. Cathrine was Heartbroken to see all the fairies

In cages.


Everyone knew that only the Fairy queen has to power

To stop King Cyrus from all the damage he made to Centopia.


i know where to go said Sophie confidently.

Where? Asked Cathrine.

Just follow me said Sophie, pulling Cathrine's arm.

Let's go I know what I'm doing she said.

The were running to a palace behind Centopia.

That's where the queen lives whispered Sophie.

Why are we going to the Queen's Palace asked Cathrine.

So she can stop King Cyrus said Sophie.

Once they entered the Castle thy had a

Surprise waiting for them.

Sophie was terrified, Cathrine was Curious

Something was really wrong....

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