The magic is back

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Sophie had an idea of
Where the queen is.
She and Cathrine went to
King Cyrus's castle. And
Inside the throne room
Was the queen. She was inside
A big Magical cage. But hopefully
Cathrine broke the cage with her

The queen thanked both of them
And Cathrine gave her crown
Back. But the queen gave
Her a necklace.

It is magic she said
And if you rub it you will
Become a fairy and if
You rub it again you will
Turn back to a human.

Thank you so much shahid
Cathrine with joy.

The queen fixed the damage in Centopia
And all the Magical creatures were
Cathrine hugged Sophie and
Said Bye! To everyone and

Her parents asked her
Hey where did you find that
Cathrine said
Um.., was on,... On
The ground!

Ok said her parents.

Cathrine returned home but she
Will never forget this day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2014 ⏰

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