Group Stage 1 **(Lau)**

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12.6.2014 - Opening Ceremony + Brazil vs Croatia

Even if our access passes were for watching our national teams, we discovered that we could go to the opening ceremony in São Paulo and also, watching the first match of the tournament.

Any of us really wanted to see Brazil playing. But, we decided to do so anyway.

We were all in casual clothes, after all our teams weren't playing.

The opening ceremony was long but pretty and all the men's glares were in Jennifer and the other singer, a Brazilian girl, who had sexy clothes on.

We went for a drink between the end of the ceremony and the beginning of the match.

Both teams positioned. I knew some players from each team: Oscar and David Luiz from Chelsea for Brazil and Luka Modric, who used to play in Tottenham, for Croatia.

"Why Mandzukic isn't playing?" Karol asked

"Red card against Iceland" Alex found in Internet "He can't play today"

Finally, Brazil won 3-1 but we all agreed that the Japanese referee wasn't truly good.

"That wasn't a penalty, he totally faked it" Dani complained

"Yeah, we all know it" Alex said "But now, we can't change anything"

13.6.2014 - Spain vs. Netherlands

Dani was excited about the match in Salvador. It was the World Cup debut of the current World and European champion squad, Spain. Also known as "La Roja" or as her (Dani's) national team and she was proud of them.

But what was supposed to be a repeat of the final in Johannesburg of 4 years ago ended as a disaster. Spain could only score a goal from the penalty point while the Dutch managed to score five. Five!

Dani was disappointed, hiding her face with Villa's shirt.

"How can that old man run that much!? How's that possible!?" Dani complained

"That old man, or Arjen Robben as we know him, isn't that old. Only 30! He's even younger than your dear David Villa or Iker Casillas. And he's one of the best players of the whole Bundesliga!" Alex said

"I agree" Karol said

"Don't worry, they only have to win Chile and they'll stay here" I said

But Dani was in a bad mood and no one could change that.

14.6.2014 - Colombia vs. Greece

In Belo Horizonte, it was a pretty day. I was wearing Colombia jersey and had my two nations flags on each cheek.

I was in a good relationship with my family from the other side of the ocean. Apart, I had family on that pitch.

Yeah, believe it. My cousin from my mother's side (the Colombian one) plays for the national team. His name is James, James Rodriguez, 22-year-old midfielder in AS Monaco. He's kind and very good-looking, but haha he's married to the national goalkeeper's (David Ospina) sister, Daniela and has a little girl, Salomé. They're so lovely! I'm glad.

The match ended with the Colombian victory, 3-0. And one from James. We appeared cheering on the stadium screens and I certainly think that James has seen me in them.

I was happy while Karol complained because Papa... Papashto... That Greek defender with long name lost just because he played for Borussia!

Same day - Italy vs. England

We did a quick travel to Manaus because of the match of the Italians. While we were on the train, Dani painted a heart with the Italian flag colours in each of Dia's cheeks.

It was a match between teams that had been World champions at least once. So, it was interesting, very interesting.

Dia was nervous and even more when the English took the goal advantage. I had seen some of the English players training like Oxlade-Chamberlain, after all, I play for Arsenal women's team!

Finally, Dia ended relieved and happy because the Italians won 2-1. She sighed and irrupted in applauses when the match ended.

16.6.2014 - Germany vs. Portugal

Returning to Salvador, where Dani had the memory of the chaotic Spanish defeat.

Karol had the same hearts as Dia, but with the German colours. Alex hadn't painted anything in her cheeks. Both were with the German national team shirts.

The Portuguese didn't seem really strong. After a grab on Götze (I think it was), the referee awarded a penalty that Müller scored.

Some minutes after, Hummels scored with the head.

Later, there was a pretty strange moment. Pepe, a Portuguese defender, hit Müller. It wasn't a fault but Müller faked it. The referee ignored the German, knowing it. But Pepe... He could, or better SHOULD, have continued the game. Instead he left the ball and went towards Müller. When he arrived, he hit him with the head and we all supposed that he insulted him due to Müller's violent reaction.

The referee didn't doubt and showed him the red card. Some Portuguese that were nead us complained. Dani, Karol and Dia had the face of not understanding anything.

At the end of the match, we explained to them. But before, Müller did the first hattrick of this World Cup.

17.6.2014 - Belgium vs. Algeria

I was like in the Colombia match, just changing my shirt. We had to go back to Belo Horizonte, just like in the other match.

I was amazed by the courage of the Algerians, they were really fast to be... well, a supossedly weak team. They started winning.

Luckily, my national team won. I sighed relieved, after all... A victory, it's a victory!

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