House of Nightmares

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Chapter Two-

I wrapped my legs around his waist, running my hands through his hair. One of his hands was on the small of my back, the other caressing my cheek.

"Did you have homework this weekend? I just wanted t- WHOOOOAAAA!" Liam yelled and I pulled away, turning to look at him with wide eyes, sliding off Harry's lap.

"No..." I answered, biting my lip.

"Looks like someone has the f, c, k, and the u." He closed his eyes, and I could tell he was holding back the anger.

"What?" I asked.

"The pickup line, 'I have the f, the c, and the k, now all I need is u'." Harry answered.

"How cheesy." I rolled my eyes, a small smile on my face.

"Yeah. So, anyways. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!" Liam yelled. This is stage two of his flip-outs: stage one-calm, stage two-yell, stage three-lash out, stage four-lash out on a person.

"Liam, stop treating me like I'm a baby! What I do is none of your business." I sighed.

"None of my? NONE OF MY BUSINESS?" He put emphasis on 'my'.

"I AM LOOKING OUT FOR YOU! When mum and dad died, I TOOK YOU IN! I let you live in my flat, I let you eat my food, I didn't leave you at an orphanage!"

"Liam. I am not a child anymore." I repeated.

"You are seventeen, you are my responsibility until you are eighteen. You are still in school, Alex. You can't go around snogging my mates withought me knowing, that is horrid!" He yelled.



"Liam, what does it matter if we love eachother, can't you get that?" Harry spoke.

"I DON'T GET IT! ONE MINUTE YOU TEASE HER, THE NEXT YOU LOVE HER? WHAT THE HELL?" He was now in stage three, and he began yanking at his hair before running out of the room.

"Shit." I muttered, running into Liam's room. He threw around pillows, breaking some things, then he punched his bathroom mirror, breaking it.

"Liam, stop it!" Harry yelled, trying to calm him down. Yet instead, he got punched in the mouth.

"HARRY!" I screamed, running up to him.

"I-I don't know why.. I just... I don't know." Liam whispered, his eyes wide at the mess he made. Harry's lip was bleeding, a bruise already forming around the bottom of his lip.

"Harry, just... Just go to bed." I sighed, walking into my room, falling onto my bed.


As I looked around the dark basement, I spotted Harry and Liam, bleeding onto the floor.

"HARRY! LIAM!" I yelled, yet nothing came out. They lie there, bruised and cut, bleeding to death slowly. The door creaked open, and in walked a man, dragging a sword behind him, like in 'The Crazies'. The noise was like nails on a chalkboard, and I covered my ears. I pulled my hands away, blood covering them as I cried. The man with the sword stood beside the boys, then turned to me, smiling as he stabbed them in the chest multiple times for each.

"Alex?" Harry asked, and I sat up quickly, realizing it was a dream.

"Harry." I whispered, looking at the figure in the doorway.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Nightmare..." I muttered. He sat down beside me, pulling me into a hug.

"Want to talk about it?"

"No." I replied quickly. He nodded, standing up and beginning to walk away.

"Wait." I whispered, and he turned to face me,


"Of course." He whispered, sliding in beside me. I snuggled into his side, my head resting on his chest as I fell asleep.


I woke up to the sound of a door creaking open and I sat up instantly, looking at my unmoving door, sitting wide open.

"Harry." I whispered, shaking him awake.

"Yes?" He asked, his eyes fluttering open. As soon as he said that, I heard footsteps, and snuggled into him more, feeling him stiffen.

"What is that?" I whisper.

"I don't know." He looked outside the door, trying to make out a figure, yet it was still too dark. It was probably five AM, yet all the curtains were closed.

"Oh. My. God." He muttered, and I looked up from his face to see the man from my nightmare at the end of my bed. His lips were curled into a sinister smile, his hood pulled low, so I couldn't make out his features. He wore a black hoodie and black jeans, blood swiped across his jawline. He pulled up a knife and I screamed at the top of my lungs, and Liam soon stood in the doorway, his eyes wide. I pinched my arm, trying to wake up.

But this wasn't a dream.

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