US! Papyrus x Cinder (OC) ||Lemon Warning||

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(This is mostly unedited- so we were mostly really high and really tired when we wrote this- We took turns on the same phone)

Fuckin puj h


Low quality

Uh fick you didn't give me enough info bar scene


Cinder is drinking illegally because he's only 19- but he's only sipping- OH ITS A SODA- That's good.

Papyrus looks over at him. Oh he's hOT-

Pap grabs the bar counter and slides his chair over

" hey, bro, member that time we banged? no homo tho- "

He leans over and falls on the ground.

Cinder scoffs. He shakes his flames and ignores him.

He scrambles up, getting back up

" shit- "

He wobbles. Drunk ass-

"..." he looks down at his soda. He gets up, he holds big grudges man-

Pap looks over.

" woa, man. where ya goin? "

He grunts, he continues walking out the door, his flames shrink. It's mostly because of the snow and how he feels right now.

He follows him. " uh- Cinder! yeah- Cinder! wait up! "

He growls softly. He shivers, this is not okay man, he's a fire in snow-

" Cinder, what did i do again? "

"..." He puts his hands in his pockets. He grunts. It's probably because he acts like he doesn't care about shit- he felt like he didn't mean anything to Paps.

" bro, slow down! what's wrong? "

He rubs up and puts a hand on Cinders shoulder. small.

"Don't touch me." He slaps his hand off.

" woa, bro. ok. "

He stuffs his hand back in his pocket.

His flames grew when he touched him. They shrank when he slapped his hand. He must've liked the contact. "..." he keeps walking, his flames kept growing at the thought. He couldn't shake it off.

" you don't hate me? but ya still won't talk. "

He tries again with the hand.

He stops this time, his flames rage at the contact. He groans flusteredly.

" hah. knew it. now talk. "

"...You don't care for me. You just fucked me. That's feelings." He grumbles. "A-And I felt s-so strongly f-for you!" Hes got a lot of pent up frustration-

" what- oh...

" listen, kiddo. that's not you. i do care bout ya. i just... not good with emotions, ya know? "

Is that flusterdation-

"...I-I'm not a fucking kid. I'm 19." He growls again. He thinks that's just an excuse.

" righ... right. sorry. i- i'm sorry. "

He really does look sorry.

"..." He doesn't say anything. He attempts to hug him, but he's to short. It's like a chest squeeze.

Pap grins. There's his boy. He bends down and hugs him back.

"...I-I...missed you..." his flames rage.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2018 ⏰

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