Hello everyone!

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Ella's P.O.V.

"Ella Marie Walsh get up." I heard my dad say and I opened my eyes.

I see that my heads laying on Carl's chest and his arms are wrapped around me.

"What?" I asked and slipped out of Carl grip.

I stood up "Come eat breakfast." My daddy said an I shook my head.

I went to my bag and grabbed some clothes. I decided just to change right there since Carl wasn't up ,or so I thought.

I finished changing "Thanks for the view babe!" Carl said and smirked. He stood up

"You little perv!" and hit his chest smirking.

"Does it really matter?" Carl asked.

"I guess not any more." I said and hugged him from behind while he looked for his clothes.

He turned around and hugging my torso. He gave me a quick kiss on the four head and then pulled away.

"Now I've got to change so turn around." Carl said and I laughed.

"Does it really matter?" I asked mimicking him.

He shrugged "I guess not anymore." He said and I laughed.

Carl hurried up and got changed then we walked out side.

"Oh kids come meet everyone!" Lori said and we went stand next to her

"Everyone this is my son Carl and Shane's daughter Ella." Lori said and I smiled at everyone.

"Hello everyone! Im Ella!" I said in my sweet innocent voice I always use in new people I meet so that they think I'm innocent.

"Acting innocent?" Carl whispered in my ear and I smirked.

"Well you know me and Sophia already. So this is Dale,Daryl,Merle, Glenn, Andrea, Amy and T-Dog. There's more but there off doing stuff." Carol said and I nodded.

I learned that Daryl and Merle are brothers and Amy and Andrea are sisters.

"Hey guys!" Sophia said an came next to us.

"Hey!" I said and hugged her.

"Did you and Carl work something out?" Sophia whispered.

I nodded "Okay let's play tag!" Sophia said

"Hey y'all stay in me and Carols sight alright?" Lori said

"Yes ma'am." I said and we went play

"Who's it?" I asked and looked at Carl.

"Your it!" I said to Carl .

Sophia and I started running. Hide right here!" I said and we hide behind a tree.

Carl passed us up . Sophia and I were running and ran into one of those things.

"Ahh!" I yelled and it fell on me.

"Sophia go get help!" I said an Sophia went go get somebody.

I didn't know what to do. It was trying to bite my neck but I wouldn't let it.

"Daddy!" I yelled and finally my daddy and Lori came.

He ripped the thing off of me and stabbed it in the head. I ran into Lori's arms crying.

"Shh it's okay Ella." She said tryin to calm me down.

"Are you okay baby girl he didn't bite you ?" Daddy Asked

My blue eyed sheriff(A Carl Grimes fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now