Special day

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This chapter does have some smut but it won't go into much detail because I'm just one of those people that can't wright about it. I don't know why I can't I just can't.-H

Three days later

Ella's P.O.V.

Daryl came back with the medicine the day Carl passed out and we had to help him. Since then Carl has been looking way better and has felt way better. "So do you think we can leave today?" I ask Hershel and he nods "Yeah it doesn't look like he is sick anymore so y'all can go." Hershel says and I smile at Carl then hug him. "I can't wait to be back in our cell with you and do all the things we use to do." I say and kiss Carl's lips "Mmm i miss those lips." Carl mumbles against my lips and I giggle as we pull away. "I miss yours too." I say and Carl smiled "Can we go outside first?" Carl asks and I nod "We can do what ever you want baby. " I say and Carl wraps his arms around my torso "We still need to talk about what happened. We just told each other we weren't mad. I still think we need to talk about it." Carl says and I sigh as we walk out side "I don't know what you want us to talk about." I say and Carl sits down in the tall grass "Im sorry I said you didn't have to do anything. I know you do just as much as me I don't know why I said that." Carl says and I sit down on his lap and kiss the tip of his nose "Lets not talk about it. Lets just have some fun." I say and Carl smirks "What kind of fun?" Carl asks and I smirk then kiss Carl's lips. He kisses me back and turns me around on his lap so I'm facing him. "Anything fun you want to do." I say and Carl smiles. "Lets run away for a little while." Carl says softly "Carl we can't do that." I say as Carl kisses my jaw line "Sure we can baby. Lets just go for a few hours and tell my dad were going hunting and look for supplies." Carl says and kisses down from my jaw line to my neck. "Carl!" I say and giggle as he starts to suck on my neck. "Come on you know you like this." Carl mummers against my skin and I smile. "Maybe I do. Maybe I don't." I say teasingly. Carl pushes me onto the ground to where he was on top of me "Come on let's go. We can have some privacy which we never get because everyone's always in the prison." Carl says and I smile "You do have a point." I say as Carl smiles "I do babe. So come on. Let's go have some fun then come back." Carl says then leans down to my ear "But the fun we have will stay between us." Carl says and I nod.I couldn't help but smirk at the thought of him saying 'fun' because we all know what type of 'fun' he meant and we never did that before. "Lets go." I say and Carl smiles. He gets off of me and pulls me up with him. We run into the prison "Dad were going hunting and look for supplies we will be back in a few hours." Carl yells and yanks me to our cell. I giggle "Someone excited to be alone with me?" I ask and wrap my arms around Carl's neck. "You know it." Carl says and winks at me. I smile and grab my bow and arrow. Carl grabs his weapons and pulls me outside "Y'all be careful!" Rick yells and I nod "We will!" I yell back and Carl pulls me out of the gates and into the forest. "Where we gonna go hot stuff?" I ask and Carl smiles "A house I found few weeks back." Carl says and I nod. Carl brings me to the house "Stay out here ill come get you if it's safe." Carl says and kisses my cheek. "I love you." Carl says and I cup his cheeks in my hands then pull his face close to mine. I kiss his lips and Carl smiles "Love you too Carl." I say and Carl smiles more. "Carl be careful." I say and Carl nods "Always am." he says as he opens the door to the house and takes his gun into his hand. Carl checks the house then comes get me "All clear." He says and I smile. We go into the house and Carl pushes the couch up against the door. "Come here." Carl says and brings me up stairs to this big master bedroom. "Woah this is huge!" I say and Carl chuckles "Yeah." he says and closes the bedroom door behind him with his foot. He walks up to me and pushes me down onto the bed. He crawls onto the bed and over to me. "Im glad you feel better." I say and Carl smiles "I am too." Carl says and kisses my lips. I smile and kiss him back, our lips moved in sync. I pulled away "This girl named Kayla said you were gonna die." I say and Carl leaves a trail of kisses down my neck "Well she was wrong because I didn't. Know did I?" Carl asks and I giggle "No you didn't." I say and Carl looks at me then bites his lip."Can I tell you something?" Carl asks and I nod "I want you so bad right know." Carl groans and I smile and flips us over so I'm on top of him. "You do?" I ask and rub my hand up and down his chest. He nods "Yes." he says and I smile. "Well baby if you want me come and get me." I whisper I'm his ear and stand up. "Wait where you going?" Carl asks and I giggle. I walk down stairs and into the kitchen. I grab a bottle of water that they had in there and Carl walks down stairs. "You didn't have to lie to your dad did you?" I ask and Carl laughs "No I didn't just didn't want you to know my surprise." Carl says "What surprise?" I ask and Carl smiles "Were gonna be all alone here for a few days." Carl says and I smile "Thats awesome!" I say and take a sip of my water. As I take a sip Carl's hand finds its way to the end of the bottle and tips it over making it spill all down my neck and chest.

(So if u don't want to read the little bit of smut I have in here it starts here and I will put when it ends!)

"Carl!" I screech and Carl smiles. My white t-shirt clings to my body. "I'm cold know!" I whine and Carl smirks "Well you should take that wet shirt off." Carl says and kisses my lips. I start to take my shirt off but Carl stops me. "C-Can I?" he asks and I nod. He slowly pulls off my shirt and kneels down to take off my pants. His shaky hands reach for the buttons on my pants. He looks up at me and I nod telling him he could take them off. He slowly unbuttons them then pulls them down. I step out of then now only in my matching bra and underwear. He stands up and looks up and down my body. I fold my arms over my chest trying to hide my chest. "Baby please don't do that your so beautiful." Carl says and takes my arms away from my chest "So fucking beautiful." he says and bites his lip. "My turn." I say and rip off Carl's shirt then unbutton his pants. He pulls them down and steps out of them. I tip his hat off his head making it fall off his head and onto the floor. "Lets go back to the bedroom." Carl says and yanks me upstairs. He pushes me onto the bed and I giggle. He climbs on top of me "Lets do this." Carl says and I giggle agin. "Lets." I say and smile.Carl unclipped my bra and threw it onto the floor then my underwear. I hooked two fingers on both sides of his boxers and kissed Carl. I rubbed his abs and moved my hands lower and lower. Carl grabbed my hand as I was about to stick it in his boxers. "Please stop messing with me." he moans and I smile then pull his boxers off. Were actually gonna do this. I can't believe it. I'm a little nervous but I'm sure ill get over it.

(Like I said not going into very much detail!😂 and if you call that a lot of detail then i guess you can say i did go into a lot but you can fuss me because I put a warning!Btw the scene is done.)

Carl and I panted as he rolled off of me. "God I love you so much." Carl says and I look at him. "I love you too." I say and kiss him. "That was.....something!" Carl says breathless and I laugh "Yeah. That was." I say with a smile. "No telling Rick." I say and Carl laughs "No telling anyone because they would tell dad!" Carl says and I smile. "I'm gonna need some make up if we leave tomorrow or the next day." I say and Carl gives me a confused look "Dude you gave me hickeys all over my neck and chest!" I say and Carl smiles "You gave me them too!" Carl says and I smile. I wrap my arms around Carl and he wraps his around me. "I love you baby girl" Carl says softly and presses his forehead against mine. "I love you to babe." I say and the smiles. "Im going take a shower." I say standing up and wrapping a white sheet around me. "Kay baby." Carl says and I walk to the bathroom. I close the door and turn on the shower then drop the sheet that was around my body. I step into the shower. I let the water run my body then take a quick shower. When I'm done I dry off and walk into the bedroom to see Carl changed and passing his hand over his cuts.Some of them had looked fairly new. How did I not notice earlier?"Baby." I say softly and he looks at me then puts his arms behind his back. "E-Ella." he says and I sit down next to him. "Carl show me." I say and he shakes his head "No." he says and I grab his arm softly from behind his back to see he did have new cuts but they had to have been from a few days ago. "Why? Carl I told you I would help you and you didn't even tell me you were depressed!" I say and Carl lays his back against the head bored of the bed "Because! I knew to would be mad and I just didn't wanna tell you!" Carl says "W-When I saw you shove that shiny thing your pocket it was the blade huh?" I ask and he nods. "How could I be so stupid!" I yell and place my head in my hands. "Am I the reason you cut sometimes?" I ask and Carl looks at me then grabs my hands. "No baby no no no. Thats not it at all it's just..... so stressful and I miss mom and my dads going insane it's just so stressful!" Carl says and I frown "Isn't tomorrow our fifteenth birthday?" I ask and Carl nods "I know what I want." I say and Carl looks at me "What would that be babygirl?" he asks and I look at him "I want you to stop cutting. I want you to stop cutting to be my birthday present." I say and Carl hesitates then nods "Now let me see your arm." I say and grab his arm. I run my fingers across his cuts then kiss them. Carl lets out a sigh of relief then lays down. I climb on top of him "When we going home?" I ask "Not tomorrow but the next so we can spend our fifteenth birthday alone together." Carl says and kisses my jaw. "I can't believe tomorrow we will be together for..... three... yeah three years." Carl says and I kiss his lips "Well believe it baby because we're still together and stronger then ever." I say and Carl smiles. "That's right." Carl says and lays down on the bed. I lay down next to him and put my head on his chest. "I love you." I say and Carl smiles "Love you too." Carl says and I smile. Today was a pretty good day. Im glad me and Carl got to hang out all day by ourselves. We never really get to do that so today was a special day and tomorrow I bet it'll be better. Knowing Carl he has something planed for us to do since its our birthday.

My blue eyed sheriff(A Carl Grimes fan fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora