Chapter Two!

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The wind was gentle against my skin that it made me shiver. I heard leaves race across the pavement around me.

I have to admit I was scared someone might jump out, but i still took my time and before I knew it Ryan's house was in front of me. I remember the first day of school Ryan helped me with everything, making us friends and soon we became a couple.

Dragging myself up the walk way and reaching out for the knob was hard since I was cold and now majorly depressed.

Ryan was home alone most of the time since his parents go on a lot of business trips. I close the door behind me quickly. Seeing the television light from the living room felt like an invitation to Ryan somehow.

"Hey." I try to say in a happy mood.

"Ooh," He jumped a little. "Hey. What are you doing here at this time?" He said looking at his watch.

"My step parents. That's what." I said while walking to the couch he was sitting on. 

"Grrr." He responded making us laugh.

I stopped laughing to see him looking at me with a smirk.

"What? Is there something on my face?" I asked trying to cover my face in between my hands.

I felt his warm hands grab mines and pull me closer. "Yes, there is somethings." Ryan said.

"What?! What is it?" I asked. "Your unique beauty." I couldn't help it, but form a huge smile on my face. Even if I couldn't see myself, I knew my face was a bright red.

"I know cheesy right?" Ryan asked.

"No. Its.. Its amazing." I said, pulling him into a kiss.

I felt him smile while we kissed. I deepened the kissed and teased him a little.

I heard him chuckle and then felt him bite my bottom lip softly.

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