Chapter Eight!

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Aloha! Haha, sorry guys for making you wait! Also, I notice I end with "Im blah blah blah". I'll make sure to change that. Lol. Ohh, this is my first story that I really wrote so, I'm still learning....slowly. Haha.

-Malia xxxxx :)

I fluttered my eyes open, but shut it closed right after. The bright light in the.... wait, where am I? I tried to sit up with my eyes closed, but only to feel rush through my body. What the heck? Slowly and carefully, I opened my eyes and saw the wires, plain walls, and creepy aroma of the hospital.

"Great." I muttered to myself.

From the corner of my eye I notice someone shift around. I turned with lightning speed, figuratively speaking of course, to see someone sitting there. His brown hair looked like Garret's and... and then I started to remember everything. Meeting him, the date that never happen, the almost rape that sends shivers down my spine, and the boy who recused me.




I sighed and stared at him. It must have been a while because when I was in the middle of my thoughts and constant staring someone coughed behind me. I turned my head and met eye to eye with the nurse, i think.

She had blonde hair down her back, but up in a ponytail and blue eyes that shined bright under the hospital light.

"Good morning!" She said, a little to happy.

"Morning." I tried to smile.

"I'm Nurse Sarah Briffer." She paused to see if I say anything. "Well, Ms. Nelson I hope you had a good sleep because soon enough you will be out of here!" The Nurse said while flipping through papers that were on the desk beside me.

"Thank you."

Wow is that all you can say? Come on, get with it!

I laughed at myself for my inner thoughts, but got a weird look at the nurse. Which only made me laugh more.

"You seem happy. That's good." Sarah smiled and then continued. "Ohh, and breakfast will be brought to you since you can't stand up yet, unless your friend wants to get it?" She pointed to the boy in the chair. "I don't even know him." She raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"You honestly dont know... him?" She question.

I gave her a 'umm-duh' look. She laughed at me causing a frown to appear.

"He is a famous actor from Hollywood."

I just shook my head.

"He's been in the movie High School Musical." She added.

"But he's hot!" Sarah tried to whisper to me from 6 feet away, but failed miserably. He shook his head and smiled before stretching in the chair he sat in, that looked uncomfortable.

"Thank you very much for lighting up my day." He laughed.

I couldn't help, but laugh as Sarah's cheek turned tomato red in seconds. She turned around to walk away, but stopped in her tracks and turned around back to us.

"Katy, I forgot to tell you, but I called your step-parents. They are on their way."

My face just dropped.


Whooop! Haha, I feel so energetic today. I don't know why.

Anyways, I will try to post every other day and on the weekends, but if not then I am sorry. I'm learning very slowly on how to use wattpad and it's pretty easy, so far. I didn't do any double checks because I'm be pushed off the computer! Ahhhh. :(

Well, I'll be back on Wednesday and post.

-Malia. xoxoxox :)

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