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"Reports of animal attacks have increased significantly in just the last year. The reasons for this phenomenon of nature and the aggravation of these venomous creatures have yet to be discovered. Again only within this week, five have been found dead. Two were killed by a venomous bite from a black widow spider during a hike at Greenstone Ranges Monday afternoon.

Another male was found dead in his own home just two days ago, investigators have found fang marks on his ankle and after further medical examination, have found the link to an Inland Taipan. Just last night a female in her thirties was stung by a deathstalker scorpion and lastly one-"

The news reporter reached over to her earpiece and went still for a few seconds as her face scrunched up in concentration. After a short nod, she gripped the microphone in her hand and stares directly back at the lens in front of her.

"This is a live report, we have just received information live on air of another dead victim in his late forties who has been killed by a King Cobra, the world's longest venomous snake that can grow to 5.6 metres in length. Police are still looking for leads and solutions to the increase of reproduction and animal incidents. Authorities have released warnings across the nation that people take great caution of their surroundings and environment and if ever you come in contact with any of these vicious animals, call for help immediately.

This is Sandra James with you from channel 25."

Soon after the news ended, the waitress behind the counter switched off the flat screen TV and glanced over in annoyance at the only man left in the cafe.

The last customer took the hint of the waitress' brief looks and gulped down the remainder of his coffee, folded the newspaper and dropped a ten dollar note onto the table. The little bell rung overhead as he left the cafe. Little did the news reporter know that the truth behind the phenomena was actually much closer than they thought.

He felt the light drizzle fall upon his skin as he stole a glance up at the darkened cloudy night sky. He stood still when he noticed - from the corner of his eye - a small sudden movement from the narrow alleyway.

After the man took a step forward and waited for his eyes to adjust to the darkness, he noticed a little dirty foot sticking out from behind a dumpster.

A street kid.

Another street kid.

Closing the distance between them, he squatted down in front of a filthy looking young boy, with the wildest green eyes. A muscle twitches in the older man's face as he recalled a thin string of memory.

"What is your name boy?"

The boy did not say anything for a full minute. After he realized the man was not going anywhere he searched the man's face and decided to answer with a quiet cracked high pitched voice.


After he heard the boy's response, he gave a short nod, stood up and walked back toward the main street only to stand still at the entrance of the alley. The man said his final words without a look back.

"Well Blade, you coming?"

Without waiting for the boy's response he started his walk, almost knowingly. He walked down several streets, turning corners and listening to the tiny light footsteps from a few metres away. What the boy did not know was that the older man was actually aware of the boy's presence even though he was not visible to his eyes.

That was how their relationship formed.

A man and his shadow.

Where one was, the other was not far behind. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2018 ⏰

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