Author's Note

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  Hey Readers, first thank you so much for clicking on this story. I hope you enjoy this wonderful journey as much as I do and please let me know what you think in the comment section down below.  Your opinions - both positive and negative - is welcomed. 

Fun fact: That cover you see, was created using my own photography, editing and creating, let me know what you think about it. 

I'm going to try my very best to get an update out weekly - maybe sometimes more, maybe even less. For those who previously read my work whether Prove It or Worth It (links will be provided below if you would like to check them out), might catch on to what this story may be about in an instant. If you have let me know. I want to see how clever you all are. 

This will be an original story that I'll be hopefully entering into #watty2018 and I'll also be testing out writing in new genres:

- Suspense/ Thriller

- Action

- Mystery 

- Humour

- Romance (just a little sprinkle) 

So yes, I'm back. Please read, vote and comment and help me out if you guys find any grammatical errors. I'm counting on you all. I actually really missed you all and the feeling of writing.

Link to Prove It:

Link to Worth It [Sequel of Prove It]:

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