My summer goal

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Ok, I'll admit it, I am a swimmer. Ever since I first started going to swimming lessons as a kid I've loved being in the water. I can't really describe it, but I'll try.

Being under water, swimming, I don't have to think, it's all muscle memory. So for me swimming is like meditating. But, to be honest, often I just think about whatever is going on in my life at that given moment.

On the first day my summer vacation started (four days ago) I set myself a goal for this summer. My own personal goal, not influenced by others or the media, my very own wish. And that is to go swimming every day (or almost every day) this summer.

Now, to the reason why, I took swimming lessons untill the summer I turned 13, because then I started on my very first period. After that I didn't really go swimming that much, just when I had to in school. But I never really lost that spark that swimming is for me (does that make any sense, I'm not known for making much sense, so...). But it's only been for the last two years or so that I started swimming more. And finally, this summer, I'm going to swimm more then ever... And hopefully get a really strong body by doing so.


This is it for the first chapter, I know, I know, it is very short but it is supposed to be that way. Next chapter will be longer, and provide you with much more information. This is the first book that I ever write so I'm really new to this. I really want this to become a great story. So yeah, see you next time!

- Daniela

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