Swimming pool dream

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I kept my promise, today I went swimming. I also met a lovely old lady that I talked with. We were talking about phone and computer usage of both teenagers and adults, I told her that I rarely use my phone around other people. Because I actually talk with my friends, don't send them messages when we're in the same room.

The real problem I think is when parents don't play with their kids because they're too occupied on their phone. Is Facebook really more important then your own child???

So yeah, that's what we talked about. She was really nice. Back to swimming.

If you've never been to the swimming pool in Golden Bay (British Columbia, Canada) then you really are missing out on something. You wouldn't think that our small village with around 5.000 inhabitants would have a swimming pool, but we do have, and it's quite amazing too.

The reason for our amazing swimming pool is simple, the schools wanted a swimming pool and the local council decided, if we build a swimming pool why not make it public and make it nice. So today it is the hotspot for locals and our tourist attraction.

Let me explain, we have our normal outdoor pool for swimming, two hot tubs, and a cold tub. Then we have a quite big meadow with a couple of trees for shadow, this is perfect for picnics and has a playground for the kids. Then we have this small kiosk that sells fresh ice cream and candy (and yes they have vegan ice cream), a fast food stand and a grill station that everyone can use for free. And at last but not least, because the pool is build near the ocean , we have a beach with a marked-off swimming area. Yes, it's amazing!

Besides all the cool things listed above, my personal favourite is the kiosk because one of my best friends, and the main guitarist of my band, Theo (or Theodor), works there.

For you guys that don't know yet, Theo is the guy I used to have a "minor" crush on, heck, I even wrote a song about him, until I found out that he has a girlfriend...

From time to time I got over the ultimate awkwardness, come on, it's been 2 years, it would be strange if I still hadn't got over it. And now like I said before, he is one of my best friends. So I guess it's true, many good friendships start with a crush.

After my one hour swim I took a shower and got dressed, then I went to Theo's Kiosk (of course he doesn't own the kiosk, I mean he's 19, but I refer to it that way because like I said, he works there) because it was cloudy and there were few people in the pool, so I guessed that he could use some company.

"Hi!" he greeted me. "Hi, how are you?" I asked.

"Well, bored, there isn't much to do," he answered "but, hey, we got a new vegan ice cream flavour in today!" he said. He walked over to the ice cream and pointed "chocolate chip cookie, wasn't that your favourite?" he asked.

"uhm, yessss!" I answered with a smiling face, I knew that next Saturday I was so going to get some ice cream here.


Second chapter, done! This one is a tad longer than the last. Hope that you liked it!

Writing about ice cream made me want ice cream, my favourite vegan ice cream is Caramel Pecan Praline from Booja-Booja. Do you have a favourite vegan ice cream? If yes, please tell me!

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