Dantana Baby

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Santana Pov:

Six months ago you could say my life was easy-going. I was working part-time at the diner with my amazing yet very pregnant girlfriend. We had been living together for over a year and I couldn’t be happier. That was until our daughter came into the picture. Don’t get me wrong our little bundle of joy Riley was the best thing to happen to either of us but life was much harder with her around. I was working two part-time jobs, while Dani worked at the dinner twice a week. We hardly ever seen each other and when we did Riley took up most of our time, with taking care of her. When we finally got some time alone all we would do is fight over the littlest things. We never just spent an hour together just talking about our day and let’s face it our sex life was non-existent. Tonight was one of the worst nights, I can think back on. I just came home from a 12 hour shift and Dani was bitching about how I’m not doing my share of taking care of things around the house.

“Santana it’s like I’m fucking raising Riley on my own, she constantly crying and I’m the one who’s always there you are never fucking here” Dani yells

“What do you want me to do Dani? I have to work or we will be living on the streets”

“You could at least help me when you get home instead of ignoring me all night and just going straight to bed when you could be helping with settling down Riley”

“Let’s see you work all the hours I’m working and see if you want to take care of a kid instead of going to sleep”

“Santana are you even listening to yourself? We are parents it doesn’t matter if we want to take care of a kid or not it’s our job. Riley comes first”


Soon as I finished shouting I regretted it, Riley started to cry from her room and Dani rolled her eyes

“Great I just got her to sleep and you wake her up thanks a lot but don’t worry I’ll get her”

She says starting to walk up the stairs but I grab her wrist.

“No don’t you dare go up there that’s part of the reason why she is always screaming. Every single time she screams you go running up there and picking her up. She knows that and that’s exactly why she screams all the time”

She jerks her hand back “I can’t just leave her crying up there San she’s a baby for Christ sakes”

“Let her cry it out she will fall asleep, that’s what my mom did with me and I turned out fine”

“Yeah you sure did” she rolls her eyes

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I hiss

“Nothing, I’m going to go check on my daughter” she says walking up the stairs

Dani Pov:

Walking up the stairs my blood was boiling, I can’t believe Santana. I get she’s tired from working so much lately but she thinks it’s a piece of cake working and taking care of Riley. She never wants to take care of her even when she is home. I open Riley’s door and she is still screaming. I walk over to her crib and pick her up gently. I lay her on my chest and pat her back gently.

“Shhh baby mommy’s here don’t cry” I say rocking her lightly in my arms.

A few seconds later I see Santana walk in

“I made her a bottle, is she hungry?” she says handing me the bottle

“Yes and sleepy”

“Hand her to me I’ll feed her, go to bed and I’ll be in there after she’s asleep” she says

“its fine San just go to bed I can do it” I say not looking up

“Baby please?” she asks

I look up and she gives me her puppy dog eyes, and her pouty lips. I find this face completely adorable and no matter how mad I am I always fall for it. I nod and gently hand her Riley. She cradles her and starts to feed her.

“Thanks” I say walking out of the room

I walk into Santana and I’s room and I strip down until I’m just in my sports bra and underwear. I pull the covers back and lay in bed. A few minutes later Santana walks in and she closes the door behind her and she takes her shoes off.

“She’s sound asleep babe” she says

I close my eyes and a couple minutes later I feel Santana crawl into bed wrapping her arm around my waist and she snuggles up to my back. I feel her push my hair back and she kisses my neck softly.

“I’m sorry baby” she says

“It’s fine San I just wanna sleep”

“Can we please talk? We never talk anymore unless it’s to fight”

I turn around so I am facing Santana and I wrap my arms around her neck and I peck her lips

“Yes of course, I miss you, I miss us San”

“I do too I’m sorry I’m not here enough, I’m sorry I don’t help with Riley as much as I should but I promise I’ll do better. I’ll work less so I can be here more Dan”

“Thank you baby, it’s just so hard being here with Riley all day alone than having to work as well, I need you here”

She kisses my nose and smiles at me

“Well I have tomorrow off how about the three of us spend the whole day together?”

I smile and kiss Santana’s lips lightly and I pull away

“That sounds perfect”

Santana Pov:

I hate fighting with Dani so much, most nights we go to bed mad but I realized that I need to be here for my family more. Yes we need money but my family needs me more. We may be tight on money but it’ll get better.

“I can’t wait for tomorrow” I say smiling

“Me too, I wanna go for a walk and go to the park”

“Ok baby, whatever you want”

I feel Dani move her arm down to my side and she starts to rub my inner thigh and I bite my bottom lip and she looks into my eyes and she passionately kisses my lips and I graze her lips with my tongue asking for entrance and she instantly allows it, we kiss until it becomes hard to breathe.

She pulls back “You know it’s been a really long time since we..” I cut her off

“Got wanky?” I wink and she chuckles

“Yes baby, it’s been way too long”

“Well then let’s not make it any longer” I say nibbling on her neck

“S-San w-wait”

I stop and look at her


“I just want you to know even though we fight a lot I love you so much and I can’t imagine my life without you or Riley”

As Dani’s talking to me I see that she’s being honest and honestly I feel the same way. This girl is everything to me, our daughter keeps us strong and I’m never gonna let her go. I’m so head over heels in love with her.

“Marry me” I blurt out

Dani’s eyes widen


“You mean everything to me and I adore every little thing about you. I’m so in love with you and I know I should have asked you a long time ago but I’m asking you now. Danielle Nicole Wilde will you please marry me?” I ask

“Yes baby yes of course I will marry you” she says with tears streaming down her face

I kiss her lips and she wraps her arms around my waist

“Now that, that is settled where were we?”

“I think we were right about her” I say leaving love bites all over her chest

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