Chapter Two: The Weirdo on Maple Street

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The party biked back to the Wheeler residence with the strange girl they had found in the woods

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The party biked back to the Wheeler residence with the strange girl they had found in the woods.

The boys took her down the the basement while Chris made her way upstairs to make sure her parents were still asleep.

After seeing that they were still sleeping, she made her way to her room. However, she ran into Steve in the hallway while he was heading back to Nancy's room from the bathroom.

"Why are you soaking wet?" He whispered.

"Why are you in my house?" Chris replied with the same tone.

"I'm helping your sister study. Now it's your turn to answer my question."

"I was outside."

"Well duh, but why?"

"My best friend went missing. Why do you think I was outside?"

Steve rolled his eyes and walked into Nancy's room.

Chris went into her room, changed into dry pajamas, and went back down to the basement.

Chris walked in on the tail end of their conversation, only hearing something about Michael Myers.

"Where's the girl?" Chris asked.

"In the bathroom changing," Mike answered.

"We should've never brought her here!" Lucas admitted.

"You just wanted to leave her out there in that storm? She probably would have frozen to death!" Chris argued.

"We went out to find Will, not some other problem."

"We should tell your mom," Dustin suggested.

"Oh who's crazy now? We're not supposed to be out tonight, remember? If I tell my mom, then she tells your mom, and your mom..." Mike trailed off.

"Oh man."

"Our houses become Alcatraz."

"Exactly. Then we'll never find Will," Chris looked down.

Mike put his hand on her shoulder.

"So here's the plan," Mike started to tell them the plan of letting the girl sleep over tonight and ring the doorbell in the morning, only getting interrupted by Dustin being shocked that Mike would let a girl spend the night.

After everyone agreed to the plan, Chris decided to speak her mind.

"What's so shocking about a girl having a sleepover with a guy?" She asked Dustin.

"It's weird. Guys and girls don't have sleepovers."

"Uh – I sleep over with you guys all the time!"

"That's different?"

"How so?"

"Because you're Mike's sister, and you're basically one of the dudes!"

Strawberries and Cigarettes // Max Mayfield x girl OCWhere stories live. Discover now