Chapter Three: The Case of the Missing Lifeguard

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"these arms, and this heart, they are the only things that i have left to give, hey kid"

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"these arms, and this heart, they are the only things that i have left to give, hey kid"


El, Max, and Chris had ended up back at Hopper and El's cabin. Hopper was out, much to Chris's dismay.

Ever since that night the previous year, when Chris broke down in front of Hopper, he had become almost like a father figure in Chris's life. For when her own father couldn't be bothered to care. The two of them had grown rather close. Hopper was caring and was always looking out for her. He made sure she was alright.

El and Chris were seated on El's bed. El was flicking through magazines as Chris amusedly watched her girlfriend jump around the room, singing along to Angel by Madonna.

Max glanced over and El and Chris, noticing El staring at a magazine page.

"Oh, you found Ralph Macchio," she laughed, kneeling on the floor next to the bed.


"Yeah, he's the Karate Kid," Max pretended to karate chop El, and the latter flinched backward.

"He's so hot, right?" Max rhetorically asked.

"Hey!" Chris mocked offense.

"Come on. If you're allowed to obsess over Phoebe Cates, then I'm allowed to obsess over Ralph Macchio."

"Fair enough," Chris laughed.

"Hey, uh," Max changed the subject, turning back to El, "is Mike a good kisser?"

Chris rolled her eyes.

"Seriously? This is what we're gonna talk about? My brothers kissing abilities? I'm out."

Chris plugged her ears, trying to drown out the conversation about to happen.

A few minutes later, Chris noticed El subtly glance her way and lower her voice.

Chris unplugged her ears a bit so she could listen in on what the girl had to say.

"Is Chris a good kisser?"

Max thought for a minute.

"I think she's an amazing kisser. I mean, it's simple, but every time she kisses me, I feel explosions erupting in my stomach."

El gave the redhead a concerned look.

"Don't worry," she chuckled. "There's not actually explosions in my stomach. It's a figure of speech. It basically means that kissing her just feels.. right."

Chris smiled wide and playfully tackled Max from behind, ending up laying on top of her.

"You are the best girlfriend anyone could ask for!" She laughed.

"I – I could spy," El spoke awkwardly, breaking up the two girls' moment.

"What?" Chris sat up.

Strawberries and Cigarettes // Max Mayfield x girl OCWhere stories live. Discover now