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"Hey so I kissed a girl with a boyfriend last night while at a party and I got punched cause of it. However, I would like to know who that girl is, so if you are the pretty blonde girl who I met at the party last night, hit any of us up so that I can see you again." David spoke through the vlog Heather was watching. She sat at home with nobody else in the house, watching David's vlog. Right when he said this, Heather spit her water out of her mouth. It was him at the party last night, the guy that Em couldn't quit talking about, the one that her boyfriend Dennis had punched in the face.

Heather called Em in an instant.

"Hey girlie, what's up?" Em picked up after two rings but Heather couldn't get anything out. She couldn't believe that her friend had kissed the David Dobrik.

"You know that guy that you kissed at the party the other night and Dennis punched him? Was he brunette and wore a black cap?" Heather talked a million words per minute and was shocked when Em could understand her.

"Yeah I'm not sure though. I wasn't really in the best headspace that night." Oh she remembered. Every guy she had bumped into at that party had gotten Dennis upset. She had to coax into not fighting every single guy at that party. After about ten guys, Em had decided she had enough of Dennis and broke up with him. She walked out of this into this cute guy and he kissed her. Next thing she knew, the guy had been pulled away by Dennis and got punched in the face while she yelled at him to stop.

"Well, I'm going to send you a link because I think the guy you were kissing was David Dobrik." Em had heard that name before in her and Heather's other conversations but she didn't know who he was. Em opened the link Heather sent her and the cute guy from the other night who kissed her popped up on her screen.

Heather had found him.

On The Way (David Dobrik)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt