Luke imagine for Emma

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I couldn't believe i was getting to see Luke after not being with him for two months. he has been touring, so i thought i would fly out to see him. After a long flight to England from Australia, I came to the hotel he was staying at. I texted Ashton

Me: Hey ash, i'm here. come get me and help me surprise Luke.

Ashton: okay cool. on my way.

Me: don't make Luke suspicious.

Ashton showed up in the lobby to help me upstairs to the room. on the elevator ride up we talked about the flight. But then we got on the floor we need to and i basically ran like a kid to the their room. Ashton laughed as he opened the door. I threw my stuff on the floor and jumped on Luke's' back. Catching him off guard causing him to fall with me on the bed.

 "Hey Emma. I missed you so much!" he said laughing and hugging me. " I missed you too!" I said with excitement of seeing him. we lie there for a few minutes just enjoying each others presents, when his phone buzzed. HE placed me lightly on the bed and went to grab it.  I huffed crossing my arms over my chest. He looked up from his phone,"what's wrong baby?" " Luke, I have been here for a few minutes and your already leaving me for your phone." I said kinda annoyed. " Emma, it's my job to be on my phone and connecting to fans." he said. " Well sometimes you need to put your phone away and connect with me. I haven't seen you in two months and you would rather be on your phone." i say frustrated. he looked at me and then said " Baby i need to tweet my fans. they are the reason i'm here." " Well i was here before the fans. if you want to connect with them so much then maybe you should go date one." I said in pure anger. " fine maybe i will. " he said storming out of the room.

 I fell on the bed with tears rushing down my face. Ever since he got in this band all he does is tweet the fans and talk to the fan. when will it be time for us? is all that i kept thinking. I cried and cried until i fell asleep. I woke up in the morning and Luke wasn't back yet. I got up and went to the bathroom. i saw the mess my hair and make up was. I hurried and fixed before i went to find one o the other boys.

 I found callum in the hallway as i was walking to the elevator. " Callum have you seen Luke?" i asked him. " No i thought he was with you last night." he said with concern growing on his face. " we got into a fight and now i can't find him." i said panicked. he hugged and pulled out his phone to call Luke. Luke didn't answer. I went back to the room to see if maybe i had missed him. I walked back in and he was sitting on the bed. his head was in in hands and he sound as if he were crying. " Luke?" i said. " Emma. I am so sorry. last night was a blur and.." I cut him off noticing the lipstick stain on his neck and shirt. " you cheated on me!" i said almost in tears. " Emma... I can explain" he said between sobs. I grabbed my things and walked out of the room, not staying to hear what he had done.

 I went downstairs and saw all the boys. " where are you going?" Michael asked. " I'm going ho,e. I am catching the next plane out of here." i said with tears rushing down my face. I saw ashton and callum get up and run to the elevator. i guess they were going to talk to Luke. I ran out of the hotel and got a taxi to the airport. When i had got there the ticket seller said there would not be a flight for two hours. I bought a ticket anyway and waited. I looked down at my phone and saw tons of missed texts and calls from Luke. I ignored them to hurt to even answer him.

 " EMMA!" i heard people calling. I looked up from my phone and saw all the boys running towards me. " Emma. listen to me. last night after you said maybe i should date a fan, i made a mistake. I hooked up with the first girl i saw out of anger. I am so sorry." he said begging for forgiveness. " Luke i don't know what to say to you. You cheated on me." I said. " Emma i love you and only you. if you take me back i will make more time for you and i will put away my phone when i am with you. i won't spend all day talking to the fans. because the fact of the matter is i love you. i love you one blue and the other half blue and half green eye. i love how you do your hair for me. i love how you spend hours to get ready for me. I love you and only you. I most of all love how you have been by my side all these years and i hope you'll be there for years to come." he said barring his heart to me. " I love you too Luke. I forgive you." i said, hugging him tight. he hugged me back and kissed me. it felt like a scene from a movie right then adn there. i didn't leave that day instead i stayed for the rest of the tour.

A/N: hey guys this the first one of many coming up. pm me if you want one. and i am not saying Luke would ever cheat on someone. it was just for the story. okay well thanks for reading. love you guys. vote, comment and add to your library

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