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You know when you just wanna give up on life. When life's alittle too much to handle..that's what I'm going through right now.

I can never have a peaceful day living with my parents and my two siblings,it's like they want my life to be a living hell..

" Celeste, Mom said clean the dishes"my little brother Malik yelled

I rolled my eyes and walked downstairs while thinking to myself

Why do I have to clean the dishes all the time, Malik is 16 he can clean them..my little sister is 3 she's the only person I actually like in this hell hole..

" Why do I have to clean the dishes" I groaned while running my hand through my hair

" Because, it's your turn" he turned around but then said " oh and Dad said you have to drop me off at school today"

I rolled my eyes once again, that's a habit I picked up from being in this messed up family..

"Cool,go get dressed", I fanned him off

It was 6:45, and I'm just getting out of the shower, yeah I am 17 but I'm almost out of school just one more month and I'll be out for good..I'm not going to college I think my teacher's have enough of my life.

After I did my hair which I straightened it, and applied light make-up which I don't wear but I'm feeling generous today..

I finally put my clothes on( always uptop) and I grabbed my iPhone that's kinda cracked..and my headphones with my keys and backpack..

I walked downstairs to see Malik just putting on his shoes.. I opened up the door and walked to the car..I don't eat breakfast in the morning for some reason..

I sat in my Honda Civic waiting for Malik, he walked out the door about twenty minutes later..he got into the passenger seat and got on his phone..

I started the engine and drive off..
I parked in school parking lot, I turned the engine off and grabbed my stuff, once I got out I locked my car and paid for the hours my car was gonna be parked here..

Me and Malik started walking to the entrance of the school not that he was gonna stay at school anyways but it was a good try..

I see Beatrice and Chachi my two bestfriends I knew them since I was two years old..and we're still together..

" Hey plushie" Beatrice called me that because she says my butt feels like plushie's like really soft..

" Hey fatass"Chachi says hugging me

Oh where's my manner's, my name is Celeste crown as you know now, I'm 17 as you know, I'm 5'3..I have long jet black hair and thick arched eyebrows..my eye color is greenish blue.. I have light Carmel skin since I'm mixed white mom black dad and I'm slim but alittle bit plump..you know little boobs but a plump butt.that type of person..

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2018 ⏰

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