[The creation of the Yoake]

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"Where there is light, there is also darkness,
As long as there's winners, there will also be losers as well,
It is cause and effect
And one cannot be separated from the other,
But imagine a world that only knows winners,
A world that only knows peace,
A world that only knows love,
World's like these can be created
Help us, and you will find the way"

The leader is currently in search for members,  having only three subordinates weren't enough, he needs more members,
Currently, only The summoner, the leader, the Asura, and the clay artist are the only members at rhe moment...but all that will change soon, either by force...or words.

-the sea king and queens palace right under the deepest part of the sea, -

-The immortals who reside in The land of fire -

-the puppeteer who resides in the red sand-

- the paper angel who rules over the land of mist-

-the beast that's known to be residing inside a maximum security prison-

All these people are HIS targets... either they join peacefully...or they get recruited by force..

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