[ The hunt begins]

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The beasts of nature.

The feared beast in the skies

Has the ability that can suck a life force of a living being if caught with one of its  tendrils.

The Feared Monster of the Sea.

Possesses incredible strength that far surpasses the king and queen of the sea,  has the ability to alter the tide of the sea.  And can also release water pressure that's enough to cut through metal,   its shell is made up of sharp metal like scales. So if touched on its shell, one is bound to get cut

The demonic monster of the sand

The beast has enough power to level an entire country with its sand. The sand can become as soft as a feather, and could also become as hard as a diamond, physical attacks might not work since things such as swords only go through it. Its markings also has a purpose. If held by the beast. It can negate your powers while it holds you. And then sucks on your life force. You being defenceless cause if your power being negated.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2018 ⏰

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