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A couple of months later

The atmosphere in the coffee shop was really nice, the dark wood and fairy lights made it cosy but the bright yellow accents and lime houseplants gave it a playful flair, it was so nice in there!
'... and then we could catch the train back! It's a perfect plan!'
'I agree! That is if you want to (Y/n)?'
I had kind of zoned out the conversation between Do-Myung and Jin-Ah after the first few words.
'Uh, sorry I wasn't really paying attention...' I sheepishly say while letting my fingers fiddle with my coffee cup.
'Goddamnit (Y/n)!' Do-Myung laughed.
'Basically, we want to take you to companies to audition to become an idol, if you'll let us?' Jin-Ah smiled, despite never hearing me sing.
'Well, I don't want to hassle you guys with that if there's such a low chance of me getting in...' I trailed off.
'Please! Myungie is certain your voice and visuals could get you in! I've never heard you sing but from my perspective you do have an idols appearance!' Jin-Ah is so kind.
'Jin-Jin is right! We're going to make you audition, you'll get in for sure!'
It's those familiar words again... last time I let them get to me, and suffered the consequence. But I can't help but let compliments get me, I'm too soft really.
'Are you sure? It's such a competitive field to play on.' I'm concerned for my ego.
'Well I know a few companies because a while ago I was going to audition too, but after a while I lost motivation. But I'll audition with you if you'd like?' Jin-Jin offered, too kind honestly!
'Hey if you're auditioning with (Y/n) I want to too!' Myungie yelled.
'I guess we're going through with it then?' I sighed, I wouldn't fight with them.
'Yes!' They both exclaimed, earning us a few stares from the other customers, but we were to young and engrossed in our own bubble to notice.
'So, companies?' Do-Myung asked.
'Yes. So, a small list of successful well known companies are: JYP , SM, BigHit-'
'We could audition at the same company that BTS are under?' I asked excitedly, BTS have been my idols since their debut, I love them so much!
'Of course, we have what it takes. We'll dominate the auditions with your voice and our visuals together, I could try and remember my dance classes.' Myungie filled us with confidence.
'I was going to sing for my audition.' Jin-Ah admited.
'So it's settled, Jin-Ah, you start calling up companies to find out the audition times, Do-Myung, you start looking at dances and songs for us to practice. I'll try composing my own, and touching up on my voice. We all have jobs, let's work hard!' I took a little control, then placed my hand in the middle of the circular tables. The others placed their hands in the middle too.
'Hwaiting!' We all exclaimed. Let's do this.


God, I thought it would've been easier! We eventually decided to audition as a group, we were all going to learn the dance and then show it collectively. If we were going to sing/rap we'd do it separately.
But god I was so out of shape, and my body was too clumsy to be a legible dancer.
Do-Myung was extremely good at dancing, he's fluid but robotic, he's great at B-boying and popping and locking.
Jin-Ah danced like an angel, her movements elegant and precise. She's good at ballet-like moves and travelling across the floor.
Me on the other hand, I danced like an elephant with four left feet that's had too much to drink.
'No (Y/n), move your left foot and right arm at the same time you goon!' Do-Myung slapped the back of my head jokily.
'But I can't!' I pouted, hoping I could use my natural aegyo to charm my way out of dance practice.
'Well you better learn!' Do-Myung said sternly. Damnit!
We were trying to learn Shine by Pentagon, Do-Myung said it would be easy, I beg to differ.
But with only two months till our first audition, I have to work my ass off. It'll be worse if we become trainees I guess.


My heart was practically in my throat, my palms sweaty with anticipation and my breath and legs shaky. I looked down at my shoes, trying to stop the tears in my eyes. A hand finds its way onto my thigh, not in a dirty manner, but a reassuring one. My eyes trace the arm up to the shoulder until I'm met with Do-Myung's smiling face.
'We'll do fine (Y/n), don't panic, we've practiced so hard, our efforts will shine though.' Anxiety was clear in his voice, but confidence in words. He was the same as me.
'Guys, even if we don't get through our life doesn't depend on it, but if we do get through, it's a bonus! Let's work hard!' Jin-Ah was nervous, but her kind heart kept her going.
'Y-you're right. We're going to put in full effort!' I cheered, laughing, but still nervous - who wouldn't be.
'(L/n)-(Y/n), Do-Myung, Jin-Ah. You're up, please go to dance studio three.' A woman in her thirties came through the door, smiling.
'Here we go!' Do-Myung whispered while helping me up.

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