1. he didn't get this song, but I do

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Don't do anything stupid, okay, Mer? Just stick to the script Ellison wrote for you, okay?

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Don't do anything stupid, okay, Mer? Just stick to the script Ellison wrote for you, okay?

"Char, don't you have any faith in me at all?" Mireille Duffer asked while opening her gold compact and blotting fresh burgundy lipstick on her bottom lip with her finger. Angelina, her unofficial makeup artist and best friend since childhood, decided to go with a neutral color to complement Mireille's outfit but she always needed a little extra. Red lips always go with a red dress. Once she was done, she stuffed the compact and lipstick tube into the side of her bra. Her phone was tucked into the other side; Angelina refused to pick out a dress with pockets. Tacky, she called it and ended the discussion, one that could easily go for hours like most hot topics between the two.

I am begging you. For once in your life, please, do as I say. This is a really good opportunity for you, Mer. Since you're a new character in the show and relatively unknown to the public, you want to start off with a good image. Talk sweet. Interact with the fans, answer their questions.

"I'm always sweet and...light." Mireille said, placing the back of her hand under her chin, tilted her head as she scrunched her nose and smiled even though she was alone in the studio and Charlotte was a disembodied voice in her ear.

Debatable. Remember last October when I had to rebrand your entire Instagram account? It was a disaster, and it took me weeks. You lost a thousand followers.

"I do remember. Clearly. And I regret nothing. Trolls, or should I say stalkers, like that need a taste of their own medicine. And the 'fans' I lost, weren't really fans, now were they? The people who are true fans of mine wouldn't support that man instead of believing my side of the story."

I know, I know. Just...your brothers will kill me if something stupid happens or if you have a slip of the mouth...again, okay? They gave me very specific instructions of how they want this to go.

"Oh, that's fantastic! All the more reason to mess with them. Should I take my top off in the middle of the live? Or! Even better, I can tell everyone who dies this season! How's that? That'll really ruin everything."


She rolled her eyes as Charlotte went off on a wild tangent about responsibility and professionalism. She always freaked out when things didn't go according to her perfect schedule or plan, everything she wanted done written in a notebook that never left her hand. Mireille's brothers hired Charlotte for her for a reason, wanting to add some order into her life, and it worked but Mireille believed they balanced each other out. Charlotte reigned Mireille back in; Mireille forced Charlotte out into the wild sometimes. Mireille tuned her out and started messing with everything on the desk in front of her, eager to get the live started.

Truth was, shejust wanted to spend time with her fans and a famous YouTuber, doing purposefully bad makeup on him, and just enjoy herself before her life turned around on its head in a couple weeks. She wasn't planning on running her mouth or causing a stir. She just wanted to reach a larger audience and make a difference in their lives. She straightened a couple makeup brushes in a perfect line before leaning back in her chair.

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