prologue: the flashback starts

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Soft-spoken instead of loud and unfiltered

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Soft-spoken instead of loud and unfiltered.

Hello, faithful listeners and readers. This is Tyler Kenney with Stardom Talks and I am sitting here with none other than Mireille Duffer. Now, we all know the scandal surrounding her name and her time on the set of her brother's hit show, Stranger Things.

Thoughtful, not shooting off at the mouth, which inevitablyled to serious consequences.

He continued to speak, ignoring Mireille Duffer's contrite presence as he introduced himself to his fans who listened curious on the other end of the camera, and talked about what he imagined in her life. Mireille waited ever so patiently.

Even-tempered like a woman of the house.

Once unbridled, now docile.

She waited sweetly like a good girl, polished and trained by years in the crucible.

Sitting in a cozy, little library, a giant window making up one wall and showing a garden, Mirielle smoothed down the sides of her dark hair even though she knew no strands fell out of place. The nervous tick never went away even after she managed to control her wild hair. Curls, once her pride and joy, a natural conversation starter, a feature loved by fans, now tamed by a year's worth of chemicals and products.

Mireille practiced her answers over and over. Written for precision, carefully crafted to cater to her audience who waited eagerly behind their keyboards and comfortably in their beds with a screen glued to their face or waiting for her truth to be told. It needed to be done after all this time. Back then, Mireille gnashed her teeth, seething and scheming for her brother's downfall but it was different now. She wanted it to be over, for people to stop asking so many questions, to stop speculating. Although her brothers or the rest of the cast didn't know about the interview, she knew it was the right thing to do.

"Hi, Ms. Duffer. How are you today?"

"Call me Mireille, place." She kept her tone light, her smile polite as she crossed her legs and placed her hands gently on her knee.

"I'd rather keep this professional if you don't mind, Ms. Duffer. I hope you understand?"

"Of course." She nodded, ready to start.

"All the rumors surrounding season four are wild! I'd like to get straight to the meat and potatoes!" The man across from her, sitting on the edge of a leather couch, reminded her of the paparazzi. Salivating at the mouth, hungry for answers, a glimpse at any part of her life.

Rage flared in Mireille's chest but she calmed it down by remembering her promise to her brothers so long ago.

Keep sweet; keep kind. You owe us this much, they said, especially after all the hell you put us through.

Mireille vowed never to ruin anything ever again, to hurt another again. Emotionally or physically.

"Where would you like to start?" She asked, ready for every question she'd been peppered with over the past year, like bullets straight to her heart.

"Your relationships, first and foremost. What were they like?" He asked, pen poised above his tiny notebook.

"Relationships with who?" She asked.

"Jamie Campbell Bower. Are you still close?"

Mireille swallowed a large lump in her throat. "I haven't spoken to him in a couple months but he's busy with his music."

He was most likely with Charlotte...

"Angelina?" He asked and she shook her head lightly.

"I'm just confused because you seemed so happy back then. In interviews, behind the scenes footage, at the premiere, you all were like family. But then, a few months later, everything came crashing down. None of you speak anymore?"

"We were family but..." Mireille trailed off as all the memories came rushing back.

"Can you tell me what happened? How did you get fired? How is this going to affect production moving forward? Do you think there will be a season five? Will you be involved?" He pushed.

"What do you think happened? Take away the rumors, the craziness of social media, the pictures, the so-called quotes from insiders. Take that away and tell me your own opinions. I'd love to hear it because you know nothing. I'd like to start at the beginning because you have absolutely no idea what the hell happened during filming, or anything. Nobody knows anything, really. Except me! And that should matter. Everyone took the rumors and ran with them, never bothering to ask me!"

"It does matter. Start where you like." He said, gently. Mireille closed her eyes and shook her head at her past self.

"I was so stupid back then..."

And all her lives flashed before her eyes...

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