The Package

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I do remember that morning . 

That morning, I woke up to the sound of frying eggs and whistling birds . I let myself slide out of my bed and headed downstairs to get with my family for breakfast .

I greeted them and sat in the kitchen as my father served my brother and I eggs and pancakes before joining us as well .

Several minutes later, my mom got back home from her run with this huge box in her arms .

" - for you Annie ! This was on the doorsteps .

- Oh ? Thanks mom... I don't remember ordering anything ..."

I took the box upstairs and openned it on my bed .

Inside I found a bunch of enveloppes with big numbers on the front, a few dry leaves, tickets, and other random tiny objects . And at the bottom, I found a pink note .

From Jade.

From Jade . Did she send me this ?

Here's how the letter went :

"Hey Anne,

This is Jade .

If you're reading this, it means I actually had the balls - yay me- to drop this package off before I moved for next year .

In this box you'll find a bunch of little tokens I've kept from all the fun things we did this summer .

I hope they'll take you on as much of a meaningful trip down memory lane as they do for me . I think they always will .

I wish I could be with you to see your reaction as you begin this journey, it really means a lot to me. I hope to hear from you as soon as you're done going through all my instructions .

Sorry I didn't say goodbye, I wasn't sure I should ever come back to you but I figured you'll have a lot of time on your hands now that everyone's going .

But anyways, I hope you somewhat enjoy this,


Love X

- Jade :)"

- Huh, I grinned . I mean she's not wrong I sure as hell could use some distraction .

For a while, I just sat there . 

But then I reached for enveloppe one .

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