Ch1 Enter Faded Form!

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After setting up your home for maybe 4 hours, you were finally done. You checked your schedule and next up was...Patrol. 


You suited up and went out into the city. 

Enter Faded-Form!

You stopped a few petty thefts, it was generally quiet but as soon as you were going to go home, a massive hostage situation was reported to you and other Pro-Heroes in the area, Shouto.

"You're slow Shouto."

"You're just fast Faded Form."

"So how do you want to handle this?"

"Well based off your quirk I think it would be best if you approach the villain first, I'll take care of the hostages. Go!" Shouto said as he commanded his stealth team to go inside.

You turn into dust and enter the building, you spot the villain, some fat guy with pizza stains and sweat all over him. Gross

You form yourself in front of him, He shot you, the bullet went right through you.


You make the gun fade away and placed it within him. 

"Listen bud if you try to reach for the detonator, the gun within you will go off. Now surrender or die, its as simple as that." you said with caution.

"Look I just wanted money so I could buy the newest adult movie! And these bastards cut me off!" the fat man said.... disgusting...I mean I ain't no size 0 but still you gotta know your limits. 

"sigh..." Cuffs formed from dust around his hands and legs. You rolled him down into the polices custody, all the hostages were safe and accounted for. 

"Hmm your quirk is a lot more impressive in person." Shouto said as he nodded in approval

"You owe me a drink..." you said bluntly

"Excuse me?" Shouto said not understanding what you meant.

"You herd me, you owe me a drink, that dude was disgusting...and he stunk of B.O. (Body Oder). I swear to you he probably had maggots in his ass." you said as you looked up at Shouto, he gagged. 

"Alright fine fine. How does 10 o'clock sound?" he asked as he looked at his watch

"That's fine with me, as long as I can get a drink outta this...Cya" you said as the New reporters swarmed the both of you.  

10:00 came faster than you realized. You dressed in a casual but respectable outfit. Todoroki was on your door step. 

"Aww this reminds me of the Prom date I never got~ Except the boy didn't know where I lived be cause I didn't tell him my adress" you became blunt at the end of your sentence.

"Surprise" He said sarcastically

"Any way, let's go." you said as you began to lead him to a local bar that you discovered earlier in the day.

As you entered the bar he let out a sigh and looked-

"IS THAT TODOROKI!?" The bartender shouted

"Yeah, how have ya been Kaminari?" Todoroki said with a slightly embarrassed tone, holy crap this guy has emotions.  

"OOOoooo who's this with you? Did you finally get a girl?" A short boy with purple ball hair said.

"No Mineta she's just the new Pro-Hero I was partnered up with. And due to a more unpleasant event during patrol, I now owe her a drink." Todoroki said

"Gimme the strongest drink you got straight up no ice." you said as you took a seat at the bar

"You got it!" Mineta said with a creepy smile.

"Calm down  Quagmire...I'll take care of her drink" Kanimari said

"Giggidy giggidy goo!" Mineta said 

Family guy jokes, nice. 

Todoroki went ahead and had a few drinks himself, he finally warmed up just a bit.

"You're pretty powerful, you have my respect." Todoroki said

"Better keep up or you'll be left in the dust." you winked and he smiled, HE SMILED.

Kanimari stretched over the bar counter and whispered to Todoroki.   

"She could be everything you wanted."

Todoroki brushed him off.

"Shit if you ain't gunna make a move, I will!" Mineta said

"Don't even try it short stack." you snapped at him and he ran behind Kanimari

"Grrrr" you growled 

"Hey hey calm down kitten, can't have you scaring off their costumers" slightly buzzed Todoroki patted your head

"Hey I ain't your pet! Stop!" you said as you grabbed his hand

"Then stop growling (Y/N)." Todoroki said 

You pouted. 

"Shit, we have Patrol tomorrow we have to go!" you said checking your phone.

They boys said their good byes and Todoroki walked you home. 

"I don't think it would be a good idea for the Pro-Hero to get caught drunk..." you said 

"I am not drunk, I am buzzed there's a difference." he snapped

"Oh really? Tell the time." you said

He turned to the clock and said

"I am not F-ing drunk...there" he turned back to you

"Phht riiigghhhtt just spend the night here ok?" you said as you let him into your living room.

"You just met me yet you're letting sleep at your have your guard lowered too low." Todoroki said as he sat on your couch. 

"Ok? So what? You're a Pro-Hero I don't have much reason to be skeptical of you..." you said in response and sat next to him. He was warm.

"You never know, I could be wild behind closed doors"

"Eh? Well lucky for me I've always liked the bad boys"

"You can't handle my storm"

"Ya know early today when you introduced yourself you were quite cold, seems you're warming up a bit."

"It might get steamy in here if you're not careful"

"Hah! Let's hope it does!" 

Note- ....Sorry for the uneventful chapter...but you'll be rewarded next chapter as you can guess 

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