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Brrhng, Brrhng

Wil rubbed his eyes sleepily, picking up his phone that sat beside him on the kitchen table. He smiled when Nico's contact popped up, answering on the third ring.

"Hey Nico. What's up?"

He could hear a light cough on the other line. "Hey Will, nothing much. Just wanted to tell you that I'm coming back from work."

Will frowned, Nico's voice sounding raspy. "Are you okay? You don't sound too good."

"I'm fine Will. It's just the cold getting me to me." Nico sighed, breathing heavily.

Will nodded even though Nico couldn't see him. He scrolled through the article he had been reading on his laptop before saving it. "You did bring a coat, right? And you took your allergy pills?"

He heard Nico laugh lightly. "Yes, I did. Brought that peacoat you got me last year for Christmas. What was it you said? You would burn my aviator jacket if I wore it one more time."

Will laughed, sitting back in his chair and closing his laptop. "I swear you would die in it if you could."

The line went silent for a moment, Nico's rugged breathing loud in Will's ear. "I probably would... Hey Will?"


"I love you," he whispered gently, as if he was afraid anyone else would hear it. Will smiled, echoing his words.

"When you getting back? It's like-" Will took the phone away from his face for a moment, checking the time. "Almost eleven. I figured that since we didn't have anything planned tomorrow we could cuddle on the couch and watch a movie."

Nico hummed. "Yeah, that sounds nice. I'll be home soon, I promise." He coughed violently, spiting something on the concrete. "I'm just right outside that flower shop on fifth avenue."

Will listened to him for a moment. "I made steak tacos for dinner, if you want me to heat that up. But the first thing that's going in your mouth is cough syrup. Maybe we should just go to bed when you get back and watch something tomorrow."

Nico sighed, swallowing hard. "That's okay, I ate at work." Will could feel Nico rolling his eyes through the receiver. "I don't need medicine, Will. It's a little cold."

"And when you end up throwing up everywhere, don't say I didn't try and help you."

"Fine," Nico huffed caving in. "Enough about me. What have you been up to today?"

Will shrugged, leaning back in the chair. "Nothing much. Well, actually, you know Professor Carn? Yeah, well he came in while I was working on my paper about Charles Darwin and his evolution theories, and he had the nerve to tell me that I was writing a pile of crap." Nico laughed while Will ranted about his professor, offering up 'oh really's' and 'that's not fair,' whenever it was needed.

Will groaned loudly, rubbing his face. "I swear I almost decked him in the face. What about you? How was work?"

Nico cleared his throat, taking a shaky breath. "Just the usual really. Jason is working on another temple. I think the guy's name started with an A." He stopped talking for a moment, the sound of something scrapping concrete filling in for Nico's voice.

Will frowned, sitting up. "You okay?"

Nico grunted into the receiver. "Yeah, sorry. Just tripped over something. Hey, actually something kinda strange did happen at work today." Nico paused to catch his breath. "One of my coworker's husbands had just died a couple of days ago. She was coming in to pack her stuff up and was talking about how he had told her that he wanted her to find someone else to love and be happy with... He didnt want her to forgot him, but just, not give up her entire life because of him."

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