Surprise Dates

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So I decided to dedicate this chapter to one of my most favorite readers, @Skyrockette . Your comments just make my day and I love posting because I know I will get something so sweet and funny from you. You've made writing this so much fun, and I am so glad you are enjoying these little stories. Stay amazing!


Nico groaned loudly, covering his face with a pillow. "Why Jason? Why did you have to do this?"

Jason rolled his eyes, leaning back against the wall of Nico's single dorm room. Nico had been so glad that his request for a single had been given, rubbing it in his friend's faces every time he went over to their cramped rooms. "You're being dramatic, Nico. It's just a date."

Jason laughed when Nico threw his pillow at him, catching it easily. "A date with the guy in my Biology class who I regretfully told you and Percy was cute. But you couldn't even stop at just asking him on a regular date, which by the way , I did not ask you to do." Nico glared at him. "You had to tell him that I would take him on a date that no one has ever taken him before!"

Jason shrugged, heading towards his closet. "You're just trying to act like you aren't happy that me and Percy hooked you up with someone. By the way, his name is Will."

"I know that," Nico snapped. "I do talk to people, believe it or not."

"You could have fooled me," he muttered, examining a shirt before tossing it to the side. "Com on, grumpy pants, it's time to get ready. Lucky for you, some of Piper's fashion sense rubbed off on me."

"Yes, lucky me," Nico muttered, standing up and heading towards the bathroom. It wasn't that he was not excited about going on a date with Will. It was the fact that he had spent over a week trying to come up with a place for their date, none of which were any different from any other place to have a date. 

He sighed, brushing his hair out, attempting to tame the wild mess of black ink. After twenty minutes of haggling, cursing, and then begging, he deemed himself presentable. Quickly brushing his teeth and popping a piece of gum into his mouth, he walked back into his room to see what Jason had managed to find. 

"What the hell Jason?!" he yelled, his closet lying on his bed and floor, drawers thrown open in a hurry. Jason smiled, as if proud of the mess he had created. 

"I'll clean it up, but you have basically nothing in here that can be considered hot or eye catching. " He sniffed, picking through a pile before holding up an ugly orange neon shirt. "I take that back. Except I'm keeping it so I can burn it later." 

Nico rolled his eyes again, crossing his arms over his chest. "Stop being dumb and just show me what you have. Will texted me last night that he would be here around six since his last class was at five." 

Jason smirked at him, throwing him a pair of faded skinny jeans and plain, tight-fitted dark green shirt. "Warn me before you invite your boyfriend over for the night. Wouldn't want to distract you from anything important."

Nico growled at him, throwing his old shirt at him before tugging on the new one. "I swear to god, Jason, the only reason you're still here is because you have to clean this up." He pulled on his jeans, hearing Jason scoff from behind him. He ignored the older boy as he picked up his phone, smiling when he saw that he had a text from Will.

 When Nico had first learned that Jason and Percy had set him up and given Will his number, he had been livid. He felt so embarrassed and refused to talk to the until Will had started texting him. For a week now, they had been talking to each other whenever their schedules allowed, casually describing their days and interests. Nico wasn't shocked to discover that Will planned on majoring in the medical field; he could always be spotted in the quad reading thick books about biology and medicines. Not that Nico payed much attention to him. 

Solangelo OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora