Chapter 2

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Seokjin rubs his arm anxiously, watching Namjoon clean his mermaid tail happily. He wondered if his friend would mind him borrowing the tail.... forever.

"Are you okay?" Namjoon asks when he noticed Seokjin's strange behavior.

"Um... yeah. Actually-" Seokjin stops midway, not sure what he should say. "Can I take that mermaid tail with me again?"

Namjoon's brow raised with suspicion. "Why? We don't even need to take any more pictures. I need to turn this in tomorrow."

Seokjin felt even worse. He chews his lips and that only made Namjoon more curious. "What are you hiding from me?" He walks closer to Seokjin.

"Nothing!" he said a bit too loud. "Just... because... because..." He scrambles to make up some answer. "I... I wanted to show it off to some people."

Namjoon hums. "Really?"

"Yes! Some people saw me the other day and they really liked it. They wanted to bring other people to see it too," Seokjin spews out lies. He can't believe he is doing this to his friend.

"Then I'll come as well," Namjoon insists and Seokjin panics once again.

"No! Oh no," he waves his hands in protest. "They're actually people that you wouldn't like."

"Seokjin, what are you talking about?"

Namjoon eyes Seokjin. At this point, he might just give up.

"Never mind. Forget what I sai-"

"Take it."

"What?" Seokjin wasn't sure if he heard it correctly.

"Go ahead. But today is the last day so don't do anything that'll ruin it," Namjoon says.

Seokjin hugs him with relief. "Oh my god, Namjoon. You are the best. I promise that nothing will happen to it."

Namjoon gave back a crooked smile.


Seokjin grunts as he adjusts the tail. He's at the same place that he had always arrived at. If today is going to be his last day as a fake merman, he better make it worth it.

He drops into the ocean. Then, with an annoyed groan, he slaps himself. "Great. I forgot." He takes off his now soaked shirt, throwing it back onto the rocks.

Seokjin swims along the edge, under the rocks to avoid being seen. He looks around him constantly for Taehyung.

After about half an hour of waiting and searching, Seokjin is tempted to go further into the ocean. But that thought is quickly dismissed because it is dangerous.


Taehyung's head pokes out of the water from afar, just for a brief second before disappearing underwater again. Then the next time he came back up, he is next to him.

"Ready to go?" he holds the slimy plant up to Seokjin.

"Very ready," he eats it quickly, wanting to experience underwater breathing again.


Taehyung laughs as Seokjin struggles to keep up with him. Not surprisingly, swimming is not Seokjin's strongest abilities.

"Slow down," Seokjin pants.

Taehyung swims around him with no problems, almost like he is mocking him playfully. "Speed up!"

The two continued this until Taehyung slows down for the latter, assuming that Seokjin just needs to readjust to swimming since he had apparently been on land for years.

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