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Everything about parties bored Alex. Especially parties thrown by her parents in honor of their business dealings with a rich foreign company going through. This meant that all of their coworkers were in her house, getting drunk, and telling stories about their business accomplishments. Some were even reliving their college days, which made Alex want to easily rip out her ears just so she would never have to listen to another story again.  

The only thing bearable about these parties was the free alcohol being passed around. Normally, Alex's parents wouldn't let her have more than a glass of wine at dinner on weekends, but since they were both currently a couple of glasses of scotch in, Alex took the opportunity to explore the different types of booze that she was normally never allowed to touch. So far tonight, Alex has had a shot of vodka, which burned her throat all the way down, and a cocktail that was way too sugary and probably 75% more alcohol than she anticipated. 

A middle-aged married man, who had 'accidentally' grabbed Alex's butt, was the tipping point to this over the top gathering. She rolled her eyes at the overweight, balding man and excused herself from the circle of people her parents worked with. She was only trying to keep up conversations with them in hopes that they would take a liking to her and not mention to her parents the amount of alcohol she had been consuming that night. The man had ruined her efforts at socializing by reaching for a part of her that normally the public didn't have access to. Now annoyed, Alex opted for grabbing a whole bottle of white wine from the kitchen, knowing that it would not be missed by the grownups chugging vodka in the living room, and headed down into her basement to drink herself to sleep unbothered by no one. 

Unlike most people her age, Alex thrived on being left alone. She loved spending time by herself to do whatever she wanted and not have to worry about anyone getting in her way of giving her unnecessary comments. 

"Just as I arrive at the party, it moves downstairs by itself. Why is that?" A deep male voice sounded from behind Alex. She heard the door click close and the footsteps of the man coming closer to her. Alex had a feeling she already knew who it was. After all, she had been secretly hoping that he would follow her down here. She saw him walk into her house, but the thought of having to have a normal conversation with him in front of other people, was unbearable, so she moved herself to a much more secluded setting. 

"I grabbed you your favorite wine," Alex said without even turning around to face her new guest.

"How thoughtful of you." Alex watched as he moved to the coffee table in front of her and grabbed the bottle she stole from upstairs. Nick's face scrunched up in disgust when he saw it. "You know I hate white wine, and yet you grab the one bottle of all the red's up there."

"I was just being mindful, no one likes white Nick." 

Regardless of whether he liked it or not, Nick popped open the bottle and poured Alex and himself a glass each. He passed her the glass and sat very close beside her. 

"I hate parties." Alex suddenly exclaimed after taking her first sip of wine. 

"I know."

"I hate creepy, perverted, old men who think it's okay to grab little girls' asses."

"Wait, What! Alex are you okay?" The concern etched on Nick's face was endearing, more so the arm he had placed on her knee. 

"Well, of course, I'm not okay. I've just had too much to drink to give a fuck right now." 

"Why don't we go tell your parents."

"No, it's whatever, really. I don't really want to go upstairs right now."

"What do you want to do then?"

"I want to talk about something important." Alex 

"Really like what?"

"I've been thinking about an arrangement that could benefit both of us." 

"What kind of arrangement are we talking about here." Nick looked over at Alex confused, unsure of what she was getting at. Did she mean like a business arrangement of some sorts? 

Alex's big round brown eyes turned to look into his own icy blue ones, and at the moment she could just about ask him to chop his foot off and he would. Nick couldn't deny it anymore, he wanted Alex. 

"I've seen the way you look at me, Nick." Alex's gaze on him kept steady as Nick's turned to pure shock.

"What do you mean?" 

"Even right now when you walked in, you couldn't keep your eyes off my dress, and everything that it covers." Nick turned to her a bit nervous as to what she was getting at. Alex rested her hand on his knee and looked up again with those big brown eyes. 

He finally put together what she was saying. It was clear as day now that she put her hands on him. She was talking about the dirty deed. 

"It's a beautiful dress Alex and it fits you perfectly."

"Thank you, Nick." He moved his hands slowly up her thigh, caressing every inch of supple skin currently exposed to him. He loved the dress that Alex was wearing, and he would love it even more once it was on the ground and forgotten.

"So what exactly is this arrangement of yours? And what does it entail?" Nick rubbed circles with his thumb in her inner thighs. His touch was overwhelming and she had trouble thinking straight already with all of the alcohol in her system. 

"I have a feeling you already know."

"Hmm do I?"

Nick couldn't wait any longer, so he took the plunge and pressed his lips against Alex's. She tasted like white wine, and even though he hates white wine, he couldn't help but to passionately kiss her until they both ran out of breath. 

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