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Run. They kept running and running. Holly, Kiliel, Shiro, Johnny, and Mario kept running as fast as they could. These five were only in the forest on a research mission with their mentors when suddenly their mentors disappeared. But it was only the next day that everyone was woken up by Holly's screams.

One of the mentors came back with sharp teeth and strawberry red eyes. The weird thing was his hands looked like they were made of silverbeet and were strangling Holly. Shiro was the one who first got to her and was able to push whatever it was off of Holly. That's when they all started running. All five of them started running after seeing the rest of their mentors behind the other one on the ground. They all looked like they were part vegetable, fruit, and human. It seriously scared the kids.

The kids kept running and running until they came upon a river. The boys couldn't find any way but to swim to the other side and the monster things were coming closer and closer. Holly luckily spotted a vine that could help them get across the river safely. One by one everyone grabbed onto the vine and safely made it to the other side. Holly, then Kiliel, then Shiro and finally Mario.

Mario saw how close the monsters were and didn't want them getting across the river as well. So he ripped the vine so that it fell and floated away down the river. Johnny was screaming his lungs out as Mario turned around and ran."I NEVER LIKED YOU ANYWAYS!" Johnny yelled at Mario. The others looked at Johnny with pitiful faces but ran to follow Mario. Johnny was left to be devoured by the evil food monsters.

The rest of the four kept running until they became tired and that's where they took a rest. They all started to drift off to sleep. Once everyone dozed off, Mario then stood up since he was only pretending to sleep. He then went over to Shiro and started looking through the bag he had grabbed before running for his life. Inside was energy bars and Holly's camera. Mario took all the energy bars and placed them in his pocket before running off somewhere into the forest leaving the others behind.

Holly had woken up and got up to wake the others. She looked around for Mario but he was nowhere to be found. Shiro then pointed out that all the energy bars had been taken out of his bag and that they had nothing to eat. Kiliel sighed and stood up. All three of them went searching for food.

After walking on empty stomachs for 30 minutes, they finally found an area of the forest that was full of banana trees. Shiro being the athletic one he was climbed up the tree and grabbed a bunch with six bananas. He dropped to the ground and gave two to each of them. Kiliel let out a little squeal when he opened the banana that revealed a long purple tongue moving about. All three of them dropped their food on the floor when they realized that the banana peels started turning into arms and legs.

Again they had to start running. Holly kept looking back and realized that Kiliel kept slowing down and then that's when he fell to the ground. Shiro turned back to see Kiliel lying on the ground and grabbed the closest thing next to him which was a big branch. He then ran past Kiliel and started hitting the bananas. They all died and Shiro ran over to Kiliel who had Holly crying while holding his leg.

Shiro realized that Kiliel's leg had been badly cut because of the bananas tongue somehow and he was losing to much blood to survive. Holly kept crying and hugging her friend. Kiliel opened his mouth quietly releasing his words "If I'm gonna die, I want you to know, I'm the who ate your sandwiches, Shiro". He then closed his eyes while Shiro started crying too.

After a while it started getting dark, Shiro and Holly just cried themselves to sleep. They soon awoke to a bright light burning their eyes. They both shot up and saw their friend still lying dead on the ground. Holly grabbed a few big leaves and covered him neatly before leaving with teary eyes.

Holly and Shiro didn't have a map or compass because they left them at their campsite where they were first attacked and so they didn't know where they were going, but the most important thing was that they get food. They had searched all day to find food. It was still daylight when they came upon an apple. They were definitely not going to eat it.

It looked like it was bewitched or something. It had many razor-sharp teeth coming out of one side of the apple. It looked so evil compared to the beautiful and sunny scenery it was in with. It didn't move when Holly went to touch it with a stick. Shiro was being as careful as possible when touching it with his finger and yet it still didn't move.

Just then Holly wanted to take a photo of it thinking it was not dangerous like the other fruits they had encountered. Grabbing out her camera from Shiro's bag, she clicked the button and the camera flashed. Then it dropped. The camera dropped straight to ground after Holly's hand was bitten into by the apple itself.

Holly was screaming out loud in pain. Shiro ripped a bit of his shirt and wrapped it around Holly's hand and kept the pressure on it to stop the blood. Just then the apple fell from where it was and jumped to Shiro's face and bit into his nose taking a big bite leaving Shiro to fall helplessly to the ground, dead in one go. At the same time, Holly had lost too much blood in such a short time and had fallen on top of Shiro.

The apple went back to its original position and at that moment Mario came from behind the bushes. He walked up to the two friends with an emotionless face. He then picked up the camera and started walking to the way out knowing that he'd win the prize for his science mission and walked away talking to himself "I didn't need them anyway". That's when he heard something in the bushes. 

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