Fell pt2

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The heist was a success. We celebrated and after a few days, the girls went on with their lives. We promised to stay in touch through our group chat and promised to have dinner and/or lunch once a week. Or twice. Or more than that. Everyone is having a good time.

Daphne pursued being a director.

Amita went dating.

Nine Ball has her own bar.

Rose became a successful fashion designer once again and have her own boutique.

Tammy had a business and doing well with her family.

Constance became a well known YouTuber.

Lou travelled once a week and handled her bar with me.

I stayed at Lou's home. Our home to decorate.

I kept my feelings for her as a secret. I know everyone except Lou noticed it but I still haven't make a move. I was waiting for the right moment. The perfect moment.

5 months after the heist...

I woke up and looked through the window. The waves are calm,  the sun is not too bright, there was a handful of clouds.

This is the moment.  I quickly dressed and went to find Lou. I saw her behind the counter, looking serious. She was typing furiously on her phone. Huh that's weird. Lou takes her time to reply.

"Hey Lou!"

She hummed but still doesn't look away from her phone. Ouch... 

"I was thinking to walk on the beach. The weather is so nice. Wanna join me?" I hope it doesn't sound begging.

She looked up and about to say something when her phone dinged. She looked at her phone and smiled.'Who is she talking to?!'

I cleared my throat. "Well wanna join me?"

"Sure just-" Her phone rang. Her eyes widen and a smile graced her lips as if shes been waiting for the call.

"Sorry Debs. I need to answer this."

With that she went outside.

"Hey baby!!!" I heard her say. Then her laughter.

I went up to my room to compose myself. Breathing became difficult.
'Does Lou  already have someone?".

Tears rolled down to my cheeks. 'It can't be'. I felt like I've been stabbed. It's worse than Claude's frame thing.

'How did I let her slipped? I was just waiting for the right moment to tell her. Damn'

I stopped thinking/talking to myself and make myself looked presentable again.

Then a thought went to my mind.

'You still got a chance. What if she's just talking to a close friend?'

What ifs came through my mind. I quickly went down to talk to Lou again. This time I will tell her. Here and Now. No more waiting.

I went down and saw Lou back to where she was. 

"Hey where did ya go?"

"Just freshen up. Lou there is something I need to tell you..."  My god this is it.

"What is it?" she asked. She moved her head at the side lightly.

"Lou you've-"


She gestured silence and said "Hold on a sec." 

"Who the hell is on the other line?! Is she/he more important?!" My head screamed. But I kept silent.

This time she didn't went outside. She just turned her back on me. I heard a lot of 'mhhms' and 'sures'. I also heard a distinctive voice of a woman. Wait was that a giggle?

I heard Lou saying 'Bye baby. Love ya'.

I stopped breathing. Lou looked back at me and opened her mouth to say something but I cut her.

"Lou listen the mo-"

"Can this wait? I really need to go. Sorry!" She said as she quickly grabbed her coat.

Don't ask her.  Don't ask her

"Wait wait. Wh-where you going?"

She paused for moment and then  looked to me.

"Uh I need to talk to someone."

With that she went out. Like every oxygen in my lungs. I can't breathe.


The door closed.

Then I fell apart.

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