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* 7 years ago*
"Shut the hell up Andy. You're making this a big issue. So what if she's gay? It's 2018, it's not that a big deal." a brunette complained.

Andy, the girl with fake red hair and lashes scoffed.

"My gosh. You're only protecting her because you are like her." She laughed. Her circle of friends laughed with her but they look uncomfortable.

The brunette narrowed her eyes. Her brown eyes burned with anger.

"Your saying that your religion says that man should be with woman and vice versa, making us look like a sinner. Look at yourself Andy,  you think your religion wouldn't think that you're a sinner too."

She stepped closer to Andy.

"Your talking as if you don't have a sin. Let's list your sins shall we? One ,you are a back stabbing bitch. Two, you are such a cheater. As in, in every way. Three, you don't respect other people because you think you are above the others just because your parents co-own this school. Four, you don't respect yourself. That's a sin right?"

"Of course I respect myself!" Andy shouted.

The brunette laughed.

"You think making yourself a moving plastic barbie doll is respect?"

Everyone gasps. In their faces, I could see that no one ever called this Andy a 'plastic barbie doll'.

Andy's eyes widened. "Take it back!"

"Can't take something back when you said it out loud dumbass. Everyone heard it so what's the point?"

Andy opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. She just looked at us again with anger and walked out with her minions.

The brunette went closer to me.

"Hey you okay?"

"Yeah." I answered shortly. I'm still awestruck by her courage. For the first week, everyone told me not to mess with Andy Jason. She could make your life very miserable. And of course no one can stop her(well except from this brunnet) because her parents practically owns the school.

"Don't mind the royal bitch. She just want everyone to suffer around her so she could be that 'almighty'or something. I'm Debbie Ocean by the way." she extended her hand to me.

"My name is Lou Miller." I said as I shaked her hand.


"Uhmm I'm new here so uh I haven't really have someone to go lunch with and uhmm-" I could feel myself getting red.

"Are you asking if I would join you in lunch?" she asked with a short laugh.


"Well then, yes I would join you in your lunch."

Yes. That's the word that started our friendship.

*2 years ago*

It was her 18th birthday. We went to a club to celebrate it.

"Lou! Isn't this amazing?!" she yelled through the loud music.

I nodded and smiled at her. She smiled back and grabbed my hand.
She dragged me to the bar.

"2 beers please." she said to the bartender.

"Happy Birthday Debs!"

"Thank you!" she said. Then she unexpectedly kissed my cheeks.

I know that cheeks turned bright red. My heart quickens whenever she does that. Or when she smiled brightly. Or when laughed at my jokes. Or when she holds my hand. Or when-

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah... "

She narrowed her eyes at me. She was about to say something but cut off when the drinks arrived.

She gave me my share and said, "To us!" then drank a large amount of beer.

I raised my beer and drank small amount. I need my wits right now.

She gave a sigh.

"Debs I have to tell you something." it's now or never. I'm gonna ask her right now if we could be together. Not as friends.


"I need to confess something..."

She stared at me, waiting for me to continue.

"I like you. A lot. Not as friends but you know..." I blurted out. I saw her widened her brown eyes.

I took my beer and drink as much as I can. Why isn't she responding?!

"Lou... "

"Im sorry Debs I can't help it.  I can't help to fall in love with you. Who wouldn't fell in your deep brown eyes?  Or your bright smile? Or even your own existence? You think your not perfect but to me,  as cheesy as it is,  you are. Your so brave and kind. Your generosity is too much. You love with all your heart. You know I am risking our friendship here but please please-"

"Lou quit rambling." she said.

I stopped. She just looked at me. 'Say something!' I wanted to yell.

She smiled to me and said, 'You're cute when you ramble." followed with a short laughed.

Then she became serious again.

"Are you asking me if I could be your girlfriend?"

I nodded nervously.

She narrowed her eyes

Oh shit please it's not a no.

"Only if you take me out for a dinner." she said.

Was she saying yes?

She probably saw my still nervous expression because she laughed.

"Lou! I'm saying yes! I want to be your girlfriend!"

I didn't even have time to process it because next thing I know she kissed me.

My eyes still wide in shock when she returned to her place.


"You-you said yes?" I whispered.

"I did." she smiled.

I broke into a big grin and pulled her next to me. I snaked my arms around her waist and kissed her again.



I smiled when I saw her enter the room. I saw her expression changed into confuse to shock as she gazed into the room. Candles and roses filled the room. There was a table with two plates of dishes and a bottle of champagne on the middle. Her gazed went to mine. She gasped as she saw me holding out a tiny box.

What do you think she'll answer when I ask her to marry me?

Debbie and Lou One shots Where stories live. Discover now