Craylet Dare (part 1?)

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hi! i know this isn't exactly art but i'll put this here anyways. this was a dare by one of my friends TeenDemonGirl a long time ago but as you can see i am a very slow writer. BUT its finished(?) now! (maybe there isn't alot of the actual ship in action so i might make a part 2)

disclaimer: i do not own any of the characters beside Violet. Rain belongs to my friend Coolcool101010

violet P.O.V

i wasn't expecting much when i joined this group. i was certain that it will be like all the others. betrayal was all i ever felt. but i couldn't be more wrong.

-1 year ago-

'' i heard you were intrested in joining our group?'' said a guy named Paperjam.

to be honest i only wanted to join because they were the most wanted group of crimanals i know and i liked the challenge.

'' yea'' i simply replied not really that concerned on weither im in or not.

'' after dicussion our group has decided to let you in'' Paperjam said to my surprise.

''wait what?! you're just going to let me in!? just like that?!'' i said clearly shocked by the news.

'' well seeing that you're about the same age as my son,and also since you're stealthy and good with weapons,we thought you will be a great addition to the group.'' he explained to me.

''wait you have a son?'' i exclaimed. '' y-yeah'' he replied suddunly becoming a bit timid.

'' who's the lucky girl?'' i asked trying to make conversation since we had time to kill.

'' w-well you see im a-actually married t-to a m-man hehe'' he laughed nervously and blushed while stating.

''really! let me guess! is he that guy that always wears his shades in your group?'' i guessed. he nodded as his blush darkened but he became less nervous.

'' oh my god! you're so flustered!'' i said clearly amused.

'' im really reconsidering letting you in now'' he pouted. ''you're such a child Paperjam!'' i said teasing him.

'' you can just call me PJ ,and how am i a child! im like twenty years older than you!'' he exclaimed.

'' ok fine PJ,i'll stop teasing you'' i said smirking,this group will certainly be intresting.

-time skip-

i been following PJ for twenty minutes now making small talk here and there,looking at my surroundings we are defiantly out of the city.

it seems like we are heading towards a abandoned factory. '' so this is your groups base huh?'' i said as i looked around the large factory curiously.

''well this is actually our third base,we were spotted in our first two.'' PJ said walking toward a stair case

'' Hey guys! our new team mate is here!'' i looked towards the stair case. i see two skeletons around PJ's age and and the person known as PJ's lover Fresh.

'' where's Cray?'' questioned PJ. '' he went out'' Fresh simply replied.

'' ok then...... Violet this is Goth'' he said pointing to the skeleton in a white cloak. ''and this is Palette'' he said pointing to the other skeleton.

'' sup as you now know im Violet but you can call me Vi if you want'' i greeted.

''hi nice to meet you''said Palette. Goth just stared at me clearly a bit awkward. ''is this everyone i thought there were more people?'' or did i just forget i thought to myself.

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