Age change

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Sonic was walking through a crowded street of people, trying to make his way to tail's house. As he was walking he turned into a less crowded alley that he usually used as a short cut. As he was walking a strange figure jumped out in front of him. The person wore a cloak leaving them unable to recognized. "Greetings, you wouldn't happen to be sonic the hedgehog would you?" Sonic looked at the stranger with genuine curiousity before nodding. "Excellent  I'm glad to have finally gotten to meet you, too bad it's under these conditions." Sonic gave him a confused look. "Excuse me? What exactly is going on here?"
The figure pulled out some strange device. "Oh nothing, just taking care of something." The strange device fired a beam of energy taking sonic by surprise. He was engulfed by a bright light.

The light faded and all that remained was a little blue hedgehog cub. "This is for your safety." He said and walked over and picked up the cub. The beam not only changed him but knocked him out leaving him in an unconscious state. "All I need to do is keep you like this for a little bit, and then I can change you back." Dark clouds formed over their heads and it began to rain. The once crowded streets began to clear. Only a few people remained. The figure then set sonic down in the alley. "Someone will find you, and take care of you." He said before running off leaving the poor infant all alone in the rain.

The cub (Baby Sonic)Where stories live. Discover now