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One hour ago, I heard wailing sirens.

Red and blue peppered the air, and the yells of people broke what used to be silence. A medical team rushed out of the ambulance and tried to assuage the situation as fast as they could, while the law enforcement handled the arrest of the truck's driver. Detail to note, the criminal was relatively jubilant, as if sure that he would be broken out of jail.

On the pavement was a young girl, who had asked me where the stadium was just a short while before. She was apparently excited to see her brother play in the finals of the Football Frontier, but the excitement quickly melted into fear once she heard the bellow of a horn.

I had tried to save her, but the truck was too close; even with my full speed, I would still not reach her in time. All I could do was watch as I perceived the scene in extremely slow motion, witnessing the change in her expression, and seeing hope slowly fade away from her eyes.

I silently cursed, angry at him again for his crimes against humanity.


Thirty minutes ago, I contemplated.

It had been a while since my eyes were opened by her gentle words. She had introduced me to the wonders of life, which I had been previously oblivious to. Even with knowledge of my origins, she still treated me as a person. I was initially confused by her acts of kindness, but I had come to realise that this was what they called "compassion".

Was I Human? Was I a Person? Have I ever had a Life of my own?

I had thought of the nature of Life. What the nature of a Human was. All of these were questions that have been lingering in my mind since I had learned of my own origin, but I had never gotten around to answering them due to circumstances. Even when faced with my origin, I let these questions pass me by—the questions only had meaning once I was free, with both knowledge and time to think.

Escaping from his hands.


Ten minutes ago, I came to a conclusion.

My existence was a threat. Not to the general public, nor to my future victims, should I be found and rebooted. I was a threat to one particular victim.

With anger in my heart, I used all of my strength to shatter my mask. The force that came from my stolen technique made quick work of it, easily shattering it into a thousand fragments. This was my greatest act of rebellion, the sign that I have completely made up my mind. Pledging on the little honour I had left, I swore that I was not going to continue being a pawn. Without hesitation, I then tossed each fragment into the air, finally getting rid of any brand he had on me. 

It was the first time that the Sun had shone upon the face behind the mask. Despite the all-seeing gaze of Helios, this was a new face, a face that he had never touched with his light. This was the face behind the mysterious Striker who none knew.

But it was not my face.


Two minutes ago, I readied myself.

I knew him not. He knew me not either. But we were intimately connected, much more than either of us can comprehend.

Despite that deep connection, I was a threat to him. His happy life was invaded because of my creation. He had his life stolen from him, and I had never asked to be born. Neither of us had our fates in our hands. This whole time, I had been stepping on somebody else—while I would have never given this a second glance early in my creation, I had changed. Despite never being a true person, I now had a little bit of humanity in me.

And that thought put a smile on my face.


One minute ago, I crossed the Rubicon.

I had decided that I should not exist. This body was not mine to live in. There was only one way to make things right.

I hoped that he would take this opportunity.


Ten seconds ago, I saw the ground coming towards me.

The wind howled in my ears. My heart beat like I was running a marathon.


Five seconds ago, I closed my eyes in what seemed to be fear.

Fear. Compassion. Selflessness. Humanity.


Two seconds ago, I felt my thoughts break up. I flashed the purple light in retaliation to another's. Nobody can stop me from making this work.

This will awaken him. Not even a reflection of him will stop me.



Live, Kurogane Suabara.







Cover by SoarLikeTheWind

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